ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟷

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Date: September 23, XXXX
Time: 1:48 a.m.
Location: UA Campus

Even though summer just ended, fall has already swept in and taken over the weather. Leaves have turned a variety of bright oranges and reds to complement the season, and a chilling breeze attacks anyone stupid enough not to wear a jacket when out and about. Red and blue strobe lights bounce off the windows of the Class 3-A Heights Alliance, waking students one by one from their deep, groggy slumbers after a day packed full of grueling, hero training.

Eyes blinking open to a blurry view of his room and flashing lights peeking through the back of his curtain causes the blond-haired boy to wake with an annoyed groan. Propping himself on his elbow with half-lidded eyes and a pout, Bakugo reaches for the curtain with a half frown from being woken at this hour.

The open view from his balcony reveals two police cars and Endeavor right outside of the Heights Alliance with Eraserhead approaching quickly, still in his pajamas. Curt words are exchanged and grim looks appear on their faces as the police officers and No. 1 hero explain something to the black-haired male. He takes one worried glance at the Heights Alliance, then another, causing Bakugo to stand from his bed, more awake than before, and drag the curtain open wider.

The strobe lights from the police cars fill the entirety of his bedroom with bright, alternating colors, illuminating his sparse furniture and making Bakugo suddenly, painfully, aware of how empty it is.

The next second, Bakugo pulls away from the balcony with faltering steps and tears open the door to his room, not caring as it slams into the opposite wall and probably wakes up any of his classmates that were still asleep. With another loud bang, the doorway to the main staircase is flung open just as groggy, messy-haired heads pop out of their rooms in confusion. But, Bakugo is already flying down the steps with only his bare feet, the cold concrete like a phantom touch that disappears sooner than he feels it.

Once Bakugo reaches the bottom floor of the Heights Alliance where the kitchen, dining tables, and couches are for when the class wants to hang out together, he ignores the stagnant furniture in his way, going as far as to leap over it in his rush. Near the front door, the police lights become brighter than they were in his room and Bakugo becomes aware of the fact that the sirens are off. Most likely to try and not wake more students than they have to with their visit.

But, why are they here?

The handle of the glass door is cool against Bakugo's palm as he yanks on it, letting in a sharp breeze of fall wind. It takes him all but a second to notice All Might is outside with the other heroes now, looking...upset. And in his gut, Bakugo can feel something drop. Dead and fast and unforgiving.

Bakugo takes off down the last of the concrete steps and through the dry grass and leaves, his trained legs reaching the center of the chaos in only a couple of seconds and catching the attention of the heroes standing in a circle with grim expressions. Bakugo stops, panting, not from the short sprint but the suffocating feeling in his gut as he searches their grief-struck faces for answers.

Answers of where you are and why you're not with Endeavor.

You left after dinner to go on a mission with him.

He's here.

He's right fucking here.

So where the hell are you?

And why does the man who practically raised you, look like he's about to cry?

"Wha-what happened?" Bakugo rasps, hearing the door behind him open as some of his classmates come out with confused looks plastered on their faces. Eraserhead and All Might look away as he stutters, only Endeavor daring to look him in the eye.

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