Season 1 / Ep 5 - Kuoh Yokai Academy

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~Authors Journal~

(Should have been journal not diaries but I was half of sleep when I wrote it.)

12/25/2023: I noticed there were a little bit of missing information in my other episode, or rather details in that little spicy lemon I wrote. I won't rewrite it. As much as I want to put the finishing touches on it, I am reluctant to do it simply because I genuinely want this new episode out to go. 

12/26/2023: 800 words the best I could do because I deleted like 500. So went up for 300 more words but it is at least fixed. It just means it helps me set pace and be far more simpler in my stories, this way I don't cut details, but I make it up with a steady pace that will allow me to cover much more ground otherwise I will spend twice the time just writing for half the less ground I should be covering. Adding details makes the story more immersive but at the cost that I don't go anywhere. I'm basically increasing graphics of a game, but the time is taking longer to render and animate.

12/29/2023: Tired as shit every day. I believe I also have high blood pressure. Don't ask me what happened, I happened to struggle sleeping so I've been having sleeping issues. I'll see how quick I can write the story but sorry in advance, though you guys probably won't know till I post this story.

01/01/2024: Happy New Year. I had to take a break in order to get ready to celebrate for the New year. I know that sounds bad considering I took a break for Christmas. It can't be helped as only a week, so they were back-to-back. Didn't do much from the 26 of December to the 29 because I was having trouble sleeping and exhausted from some work. 

01/04/2024: Break days are over, so I've been caught with work. I'll doing this as a hobby, but it is hard to make time for your guy's entertainment. I'm also writing other fanfics, but I don't post them because they're more like theories rather than possibilities. They require maintenance in both the category of polishing and rewriting and long forethought to the endgame. Which is why I don't' do it, and I also end up working on other stuff. As much as I would like to post them online like my other stories, those came pretty much on the spot. I learned my lesson and I won't post whatever comes out of my mind. Let me tell you, No one should see what is in my mind, the consequences are catastrophic.

01/08/2024: I am losing my mind. I am not having enough time to write this because I keep getting swept away before I can even write. I am constantly being asked for something and it is taking my time. Sorry this chapter was slow. Not my slowest but is definitely pissing me off.

01/14/2023: I can't catch a break. Every time I am trying to work on this something is happening around me. Mostly my family needing something so I can't say no without them making a fuzz. I rather just be done with it and move on. But it always ends up being a bigger hassle to deal with it and I end up being exhausted from helping them out. Hopefully they just learn to live on their own.

01/19/2024: Good news, I was finally able to make some time as work will go down for me for a while. Which makes it easier for me to write these fanfics. I am taking my time with these stories as I rather have a quality of a story that is worth reading. The trade is that I can't always make it easy or simplified without allot of missing dialogue. As much as I hate to take long, I want these characters to feel alive than just another fanfic that gets it over to the finish line as quickly with allot of the plot just going down the drain or just simply derailed itself. Luckily with the last finishing touches I can say the first season will commence fast and hard. Hopefully the quality makes up for the slow down.

01/24/2024: Sorry, In the time that I had to freely use for the story or the fifth chapter, I was spending in on my future episodes and what I needed to fix. There was what many would call a miniscule bump in the road. For me that was such a pain in the ass because said 'bump in the road' was something I couldn't wrap my head around for the longest and after a while I believe that I found the solution to a problem I was so 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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