Meet the Daae sisters

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Christine woke up getting dressed when she walked over to Piper her sisters guide dog. Walked over to grab clothing then Meg came over nodding over to Christine and said, "Janetta? Time to wake up!" A brown headed girl eyes opened and they were completely grey. The girl got up and felt around then felt her sisters hand helping her up. Meg and Christine helped her get dressed as Meg grabbed Piper and put Janetta's hand onto the guider and they all headed to the girls practice. "Good morning girls." Meg and Christine curtsied and Janetta tried to after they finished. "Good morning Mom/Madame Giry." Meg and Christine went to their spot as Janetta headed over to be ready to sing just incase Carlotta couldn't but know her she could. "Ahh! Bonjour mademoiselle Daae. Are you ready for the day?" Janetta nodded as she stood on the side and watch Carlotta and her husband sing.

    After that happened they were interrupted by the owner introducing the new owner. Then they spoke and said that they had a partner. Raoul Vicomte De Changy which they all clapped for and Raoul said that his family was excited to be part of this theater. Janetta smiled at the sound of his voice for she has missed him very much but she heard his footsteps leaving. Then the new owners wanted Carlotta to sing which she obviously agreed to as Janetta stayed to the side quiet like usual.

    But part of the set fell on her and this made her upset when Madame Giry came over with a letter. "You have a letter from the Opera Ghost." This made one of the owners sigh in annoyance as Antoinette said, "He would like to welcome you to his opera house." The owners eyes went wide and Antoinette kept going but the owner was upset for their singer left for the night and they don't have a singer. That's when Madame Giry called over Piper which made Janetta walk and Madame Giry said, "This is mademoiselle Janetta Daae. She is the back up singer of Carlotta and is willing to show you. She is blind so when she is part of this so will Piper her guide dog." They nodded as Janetta started to sing for the new owners.

    Little did Janetta know that Raoul had been watching her with a slight glimpse of love in his eyes. Planning onto meeting her after hearing his sweet little lotta sing.

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