Feeling Him

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After the show Christine and Janetta headed down to light candles for their father. Christine then looked at Janetta and said, "You did so well dear little sister. You teacher would be proud." Janetta smiled at this and said, "Only if father was still here. I can fell him smiling down on me with pride." They sat in silent till their heard a voice which made Janette feel around but no one was around till they heard Meg coming down with her angelic voice. No one knows except for Janetta but Meg has a hug crush on Carlotta and Christine but is too afraid to tell. She doesn't know how people will react with this.

Antoinette, Christine, and Janetta walked into Janetta's and Christine's new room as Antoinette was trying to get everyone back. "You did very well sweet Janetta." Putting her hands onto Janetta's hand and said, "He would be very proud." Janetta smiled till she felt a rose which made her confused but realized what it meant. She heard the door open and close and said, "Christine? Is this his rose?" Christine then used Morse code telling her yes. Janetta felt around exploring her new room then sat down on the bed feeling the comfort of it. She was humming when she heard the door open and a voice that she recognized.

She smiled at Raoul and he said, "My dear little lotta. You look like an Angel tonight." Janetta felt his hand on her face and she spoke softly, "Raoul. Do you remember when father spoke of an Angel watching over me and my sister. Well, there is an Angel and he has been looking after us." Raoul smiled saying, "There's no doubt about it. But now time for dinner." Christine spoke up and said, "Raoul. Our Angel is very strict and doesn't like when we are out late." But Raoul shrugged it off and said, "Well, I shan't keep you out late. 10 mins Little Lotta." Janetta quickly got up and said, "Raoul please listen." But it was too late and Christine walked up to her and said, "It's time to get changed sister." Janetta nodded walking with Christine as they got dressed for bed.
All the sudden after getting changed Janetta felt a breeze and said, "Christine? What's going on?" Christine grabbed her sister and said, "The candles went out." Then all the sudden a booming voice appeared.

The voice was hypnotizing so Christine grabbed Piper with Janetta as she felt herself walking and walking.

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