The Opera Ghost Finale

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After getting dressed Janetta had enough of what had been happening to her and her sister and decided to confront him about it.

She walked up to him putting her hand on his cheek giving it a kiss and could hear him sobbing. She felt bad and was about to hug when she felt him pull away and start to say

After leaving the lair with Raoul and Christine she felt bad for the phantom for he did make her who she was today. But she couldn't dwell on the past but look forward to the future. After years passing Raoul and Janetta got married and have beautiful children. Meg and Christine also got married and have adopted children of their very own. Janetta and Raoul named their children Gustav, Antoinette, Melody, Leonard, and Erik. Yes she name her youngest son after her teacher for she felt like she should have been part of the choosing for Gustav her father, Antoinette her care giver, and Erik her teacher who helped her with her voice. For the Opera Populair still has THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA.

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