Chapter Two.

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"You weren't supposed to hear that," I said wiping the tear away.

"I figured, but it's okay. I didn't mean to make you feel that way." He said.
Something about him was different tonight, his eyes were softer than usual, but he still gave me the same look, like he was disappointed.
Not knowing what to say I just walked past him back inside telling him, "I'm just going to try to get some sleep." And going inside without another word.

I still couldn't sleep until I was mentally exhausted, probably from the embarrassment, but in a way I was glad he finally knew a small part about how I felt.

Waking up was tough the next morning, but wasting daylight was even worse. I forced myself up, throwing my jacket on and picking up my now charged ray gun. As soon as I walked outside I was met with Val standing on a porch step leaning over Vaya and Vamos discussing something quietly. When they heard me approach the twins turned and smiled, Val nodded once to acknowledge me then thanked the two.
"We'll be leaving in 5, pack your things for a day or two." Val said.

"What was that about?" I asked.
"He kept trying to grill Vaya about your little gossip session last night." Vamos said, Vaya nodded
"I didn't tell him anything, but he did say you said he thinks that you're a charity case when you thought you were talking to me last night." Vaya said.
"Yeah, that was embarrassing." I said, trying to laugh it off. It didn't work.

"Frost!" I heard a voice call, it was Val, calling from next to the trans am I'd taken yesterday.

"Wish me luck," I said as I walked down the stairs toward Val.

"I'm going to keep this short because I don't know how to do this properly, but we're in a group for a reason. We're the best of the best, if I didn't think you were, you wouldn't be here. I don't always have the best way of expressing myself and that's not your fault. Next time just tell me if I take it too far, but I just get upset because even though your recklessness gets you in trouble sometimes, it's also saved our asses more times than I care to admit." His words sounded like they were coming from a place of honesty.
"I'm not saying you should always act out, but that's the desert in you, I'm not trying to change that. I just want you to be more careful when we're not around." He said. I was smiling, i almost wanted to hug him but I was in uncharted waters.

Before now, the most I'd gotten out of Val was a small smile when things went right or disapprovingly looks and talking-tos on a regular basis.
I settled for a nod that I understood, but this whole time I felt out of place, he'd assured me I had a place where I fit in, and that was with the Ultra V's,

"I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship," Vamos said walking over, lightly kicking the back of my knee, causing me to fall. I held my arms out and Val caught them, steadying me.
He chuckled once then let me go when I stood up again, walking toward the driver's seat.

I sat in the back seat with Vaya as we rode down Route Guano, toward Rex's. Rex was someone who dealt in everything, he was the go-to for anything repair wise. It wasn't but a ten minute drive to his outpost. It was behind a subdivision of houses that you wouldn't look twice at, about two miles away from the main road.

"The Ultra V's, to what do I owe this wonderful visit." Rex said when we stepped in the house. The surrounding houses had been turned into garages he could work from, it also helped that Rex's partner was a killer artist, she'd done the work on my bike.
"Hey Rex, we've got some more work for you." Val said walking up to the counter where Rex stood.

Jen was Rex's wife, they'd been together for as long as I could remember and Jen had to be the prettiest person I'd ever seen. She had platinum blonde hair and green highlights, she wore all black, which complimented her dark skin tone. She was an average build but tall with heels on, just a bit taller than Rex. She winked when she saw me, I smiled back.

The Vortex: Killjoys, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now