Chapter Three.

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(A/N: Normally, I don't like making authors notes during or before a chapter, but while writing this, I really want to express how much love I have for the characters Vaya and Vamos, and throughout this chapter, I really want to focus on the importance of having good people around you, that truly love you for who you are. If you, reading this, are anything like me and feel like you're losing your friends or they're not checking up on you, check in on them. Sometimes our friends need to be reminded that we are there for them. Enjoy the chapter!)

By the end of the day, I'd improved exponentially, even surprising myself. Not that it was easy. We'd been at it for at least five hours, only occasionally taking breaks in the covered area of the range.

By the end, I felt more confident in my ability to wave-ride and shoot accurately. I was still not perfect by any means, but I was at a point where I'd be able to handle myself in a long-distance firefight.

"Time to go," I said, somewhat tired but a little excited about tonight. I couldn't help it, and Killjoy concerts were something I never got to see growing up; they've got to be one of the best parts about living in the Zones. Loud music and weed, and tonight one of the best bands in the Zones would be playing.
AKA Loretta was a band I got familiar with when I lived in the old Outsider community. We lived in the Zones but on the Southern side of Battery City, but we were in range just enough to get a signal from WKIL 109 FMX, the station Dr. Death Defying broadcasted on. I had a handheld radio I kept buried under clothes in my closet that I'd found when exploring the abandoned houses nearby.
My parents would've taken it if they'd found it, so I had to be careful about it, but in a way, I'd always grown up wanting to be a Killjoy, and AKA Loretta was just one of the many bands I grew up listening to, from the age 14 and onward.
So, needless to say, I didn't mind doing a week's patrol with Val if it meant finally seeing that band. I'd suck it up.

I started walking back in the direction we came when I realized he wasn't moving, just staring out into the distance.

"Hey, wave-head, let's go. You promised," I said, trying to snap him out of his thoughts. It seemed to work, and he holstered his ray gun and started walking in the same direction.

We didn't talk the entire way back, he'd been pretty quiet since he'd told me he believed in me, but he did talk to give me criticism while we practiced. Now that we weren't, he seemed to keep thinking to himself.
He did that a lot.

When we returned to the house, AKA Loretta was blasting through a radio while Vaya and Vamos got ready in the bathroom. Val rushed from behind me to get to his room, but I ignored it.

"Shower check," I said, going over to the two of them and raising my arms. We did it when we knew we'd sweat that day, but we didn't want to waste water unless we had to shower. The twins sniffed and grimaced.
I did not pass the shower check.
"Fine," I said as they gathered their makeup and shuffled out of the bathroom.

I took a shower as quickly as possible, opting not to wash my hair since it didn't feel dirty or oily. When I got out, I threw on some deodorant. Then I looked at myself in the mirror. I wasn't one who grew up wearing much makeup. Sure, it was out there, and I had the option to; I just never felt the need. Tonight was different. I wanted eyeliner, lipstick, eyeshadow, whatever I could. I guess now was an appropriate time. I walked out, holding the towel up, and opened the door. Vaya and Vamos were still trying on outfits.

"I think I want to put on makeup," I said. The twins stopped what they were doing and gave each other a look of surprise before inviting me to sit on the couch while they sat on the coffee table in front of me.

Vaya and Vamos were two people I'd always been comfortable around, and they just made it easy. I'd typically put on clothes as opposed to just a towel in front of anyone else, but I felt safe around them. My relationship with the twins never felt romantic or awkward. They were both like siblings to me and were very much my chosen family. At times, I grew up wishing I lived here just because it would've been nice to grow up with friends as good as Vaya and Vamos.

The Vortex: Killjoys, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now