Chapter Five

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Carson's P.O.V.

English with Mr. Payne wasn't that bad. All we really did was go around and introduce ourselves, and learned what we would be doing the rest of the year. I'm still curious why suddenly five of the school's best teachers are replaced with kids who barely look older than us. For some reason I feel like I've seen Mr. Payne from somewhere. His british accent, those eyes, I just can't tell where it's from yet.  After english, I had gym third period. I was hoping that i would still have Mr. Brown, but of course I had yet another new teacher. Lauryn, Alex, Ricki, and I all have that class together, so hopefully I'll make it.

After Lauryn and I finished changing into our gym uniform, we walked over to our usual spot on the floor next to Alex and Ricki. We all sat there and talked, while all the girls took forever coming out of the locker room, and then they would all go and talk to the new teacher. Me and Lauryn were literally the only girls who wern't drooling all over the teacher. Finally he blew his whistle, and made all of the girls sit down. When I saw him, I couldn't help but think that I recognized him too. His irish accent, his eyes, his blonde hair with streaks of brown, I knew him from somewhere, I just couldn't remember where. What is wrong with me? This is my second new teacher that I thought I recognized from somewhere, I'm losing it. I was pulled out of my thoughts, when he clapped his hands together, and started talking.

"Ello class! I'm Mr. Horan, your new P.E. teacher. Some of you may have alrleady had classes with some of my other friends, just letting you know to behave since we all gossip after school." he said with a smirk. Everyone laughed, me and Lauryn even smiled a little bit, maybe he wouldn't be so bad.

"Ok, so today were going to start our section on tennis. Anyone here already know how to play?" Me and Alex both raised our hands, and we were the only ones who did in this class, guess we're gonna be partners in here. Tennis was sort of like the family sport, you started at a young age, and played till you were like 40. Mr. Horan looked at us and flashed us a smile. I couldn't help but stare at his smile, his teeth were perfectly straight, and white.

"Good, atleast a couple people in here play!! So either of you want to come out here and help me demonstrate the rules to the other kids?" I definantly didn't want to help demonstrate, the guys always took it so easy on me and barely hit the ball, and I hated that, but of course Alex just had to push me up and say, "Carson here would love to Mr. Horan!" he knew I hated playing with guys other than him and the ones on the team.

"Great Carson, come on out here then." I glared at Alex and made my way out to one of the fake courts that he had set up. It was alot smaller then a normal court, but the net was the same height so it wouldn't be that bad. Mr. Horan gave me a racquet, that was much smaller than the one that I have.

"So Carson, what's the line called that you serve at?" wow, that's simple, I was about to answer when Amanda shouted out, "Mr. Horan, that's the service line." in confidence. Ha, she got it wrong! I looked over at Alex, who was smiling and I could tell was trying hard not to laugh. See, Amanda was the stuck up, rich kid at our school, who thought she was better than everyone else.

"I"m sorry Ms?" Mr. Horan asked

"Amanda, Amanda Prewit."

"Oh, well Ms. Prewit, that's not the right answer. Carson, I'm sure that you know."

"Uh yeah, it's called the baseline." like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"But that doesn't make anysense, why would that be called the baseline if that's where you serve from, why wouldn't it be called the service line?" I was kind of suprised that she actually knew the part of the court was called the service line.

"I don't know Amanda, but that's just how it is."

We continued going over the parts of the court, and Amanda didn't answer anymore questions. Finally it was time to demonstrate, and of course he hit the ball softly over to me. I hit the ball over the net back to him as hard as I could, yet still have it stay inside of the court. The ball wasn't returned, and Mr. Horan looked at me shocked. 

"Don't go easy on me Mr. Horan, hit it as hard as you can, I'll return it." I said, and this time when he hit the ball, he put alot of power behind it, it still didn't have even close to the amount of power that Alex would put behind it, so I hit it back over with ease. We kept a ralley going, and finally it was time for us to go to our groups and start. Of course me and Alex went to go hit together, and Mr. Horan sent us to the one court that was set up that was actually the same size as a normal court.  Me and Alex were the only ones in the class that could keep a ralley going, and Mr. Horan just let us do our own thing while he helped the rest of the class with the basics.

Before I knew it the class was over, and we had to go change. This class was actually pretty fun, I liked this Mr. Horan guy, maybe Mr. Malik was the only one out of the new teachers who had it out to get me. After me and Lauryn were finished changing, we went to the locker that we shared, evidently she didn't like gym as much as I had, since she kept complaining about how Ricki kept hitting her in the head with the ball. Of course, Ricki then had to come over and they got in an argument about who knows what. We were all like brothers and sisters, we could get on each others nerves, but we would never let anything happen to the other person. Then, we finally made our way to the cafeteria. Maybe I was wrong, maybe the rest of this year won't be as bad as I thought. But just as I thought that, I saw Mr. Malik walk into the classroom with four other guys following close behind, two of them were Mr. Payne and Mr. Horan. Mr. Malik saw me and all he did was scowl at me, yep I thought to soon, the rest of this year was going to suck.

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