Chapter Ten

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Carson's P.O.V.

I woke up when I heard a big crash coming from outside my window at 3:28 in the morning. It usually takes me forever to wake up, but I was up in a flash. I quickly grabbed my phone that had fallen on the floor at some point during the night and pulled up the flashlight app. I slowly walked to the window that was facing where I heard the noise coming from. I slowly pulled the curtains back and peaked out the window and looked out into the yard. I didn't see anything until I looked straight down and saw two men trying to get the backdoor open. I gasped and put my phone down and was getting ready to close the curtain when one of the guys looked up and pointed me out to his friend. The three of us all held eye contact for about 30 seconds when one of the guys held his finger up to his lip telling me to be quiet.Then the two guys ran over to the fence and hopped over it and were gone. I stood at my window just staring at the fence for atleast 5 minutes trying to grasp what had just happened. Then suddenly, like it all had just occurred to me what had happened, I gasped, closed the curtains, and backed up against the wall across from the window. I had no clue on what to do. Should I call the cops, no I couldn't, they had told me to keep quiet. But if I didn't call the cops then they might come back. I decided that I wouldn't call the cops, but I was still to scared to get up from my place on the floor. I ended up staying there all night not being able to fall back to sleep. Almost three hours later my alarm clock went off but I still stayed on the floor. It kept going off for about 45 minutes when I finally got up. Seeing that I only had about 20 minutes to get to school, I went to my closet and pulled a pair of sweatpants out and one of my older cousins old University of Minnesota shirts. I then went to the bathroom and put my hair up, and brushed my teeth. Then I walked out to my jeap, after checking that every single door and window in the house was locked, and pulled out of the driveway. As I walked into the school Ricki and Lauryn both tried to say hi to me, but I just ignored them and kept walking down the hall to my locker. After putting all of my stuff up, I grabbed what I would need for the first two periods and then walked to Government. As I sat my stuff down, I could feel everybody's eyes on me, including Mr. Malik's. I sat down and laid my head down in my arms and tried to tune everybody out. The last thing I heard before I fell asleep was the bell and Mr. Malik telling everyone to be quiet.

Zayn's P.O.V.

As soon as I saw Carson walk in I knew something was wrong. She had this blank look on her face and as soon as she sat down at her desk she laid her head down and was pretty much tuning out the world. I started to walk over to her to see if everything was ok when the bell went off. I sighed and walked to the front of the class and told everyone to get quiet and decided to let Carson sleep. Fourty-five minutes and two worksheets later, the bell rang and Carson was still asleep. Both Lauryn and Ricki started to walk over to her seat to wake her, but I told them to go to class and that I would get her. They both nodded and walked out of the classroom, while I walked over and kneeled down next to her desk. I slowly shook her arm and told her that class was over. I heard her groan meaning that she had woken up, but she kept her head down on the desk. I laughed and tried again. "Carson, class ended you need to go to Liam's, uhm Mr. Payne's class." I told her softly and this time she lifted her head up off of her arms and looked around the class as if she was trying to figure out where she was. Her eyes eventually met mine and I gave her a small smile, that she did not return. She just kept looking at me with the same blank expression that she had when she walked into the class. "Carson, is something wrong? I may not have been your teacher long but I've known you long enought to know that you're not the type of kid to fall asleep in class." I asked her and she just shook her head. "I don't want to talk about it Mr. Malik." she said quietly and started to stand up. I gently pushed her down back into the seat and she looked up at me qustionely, finally a expression other than that blank look. "Really Mr. Malik, it's none of your buisness." She said a little louder this time. "Actually Carson, it is my buisness when you walk into my class looking half dead and then fall asleep in my class." I told her, still keeping my voice calm and attempting for it to sound soothing. "Mr. Malik it's nothing I just didn't get much sleep last night, that's all." She told me,but she never made eye contact with me once and I could tell that she was lying. "I know you're lying Carson, now you want to tell me what's really going on that caused you to act like this?" I asked her, still keeping the same tone of voice. "Not really, can I just go to class now." she asked standing up and grabbing her stuff. "You know what, yeah why don't we both go to your next class." I told her and she looked up at me with a curious face. As we walked out of the class I told one of the students who was just walking into my class to pass out the worksheets on the desk and that I would be back soon. As soon as we walked into Liam's class, both Liam and Alex, who I learned was Carson's cousin, looked up at us. Liam's face was more a expression of curiousity but Alex's face was pure concern.  "Liam, Alex, can I see you both in the hall for a moment?" I asked and they both nodded and followed Carson and I out into the hall. "Alright Carson, since you won't tell me what's going on will you tell one of these two?" I asked her, my voice still calm.  She shook her head and said the same thing that she had been telling me for the past 5 minutes,"I don't want to talk about it." "Carson," this time it was Alex that spoke,"what's wrong, something obviously happened for you to be acting like this. Come on, just talk to me, please." he pleaded with her. She looked up at her cousin for one second and then all of a sudden the dam broke and she fell into Alex's arms crying her eyes out. Alex immedietly started comforting her, and he finally got her calmed down after about 3 minutes, but she remained in his arms. "You want to tell me whats going on now?" I asked her, and to my suprise she nodded her head. "Alright," Liam spoke, "why don't you two take her down to the teachers lounge and I'll get Louis and Harry to cover our classes, I'm pretty sure that they both have free periods right now." Alex and I nodded and guided her down to the lounge while Liam went to go talk to Lou and Harry. After we got to the lounge, Alex and Carson sat down on one couch and I sat in the arm chair across from it. Carson kept her head down and a few minutes later Liam walked in and sat on the arm of my chair. She continued to play with the bracelet on the wrist, and I decided that I would be the first one to talk. "So Carson," I spoke to her and she raised her head up to look at me. "You want to start by telling me why you couldn't sleep last night, that might be the easiest?" I asked her and she slowly nodded, but looked back down at her bracelets. "Uhm, well last night I woke up at like 3 in the morning cuz there was a big crash outside, so I got up to see what it was and there were two guys trying to get into my house through the back door." she spoke quietly and I could see Alex's arm that was currently wrapped around her shoulders stiffen. "So, what happened next?" Liam asked after a few minutes of silence. "I uhm tried to close the curtains but one of them saw me and pointed me out to the other guy. We all just started at each other for a little while, then one of them put his finger to his mouth like he was telling me to keep quiet. Then they both just ran out of the yard." she told us, her voice shaky like she was going to start crying. "I couldn't go back to sleep after that cause I was to scared too." she told us and started to cry again. Alex immediately brought her back into his arms and let her cry into his chest, while me and Liam both slowly walked over and sat down on each side of them and attempted to comfort her since Alex couldn't get her to calm down. After 10 minutes she finally stopped crying and sat up on the couch again. "Carson," I spoke quietly since I was closer to her than Liam was, "did you call the cops?" I aske her and she shook her head, "No, I was to scared too." she told me and I nodded. "Wait,"Alex spoke and she looked up at him, her eyes were still filled with tears like she could start crying again any minute. "Where were you parents?" he asked, that's actually a good question.  "Aunt Jami went into labor and they had to go help take care of the other kids." "Aunt Jami was pregnant?" he asked shocked, and she laughed, "yeah, I didn't know either, nobody tells me anything." she said and Alex laughed and agreed. "So, you're staying by yourself?" Liam asked and she nodded. "Not anymore," Alex told her, you're gonna come stay with me, I'm sure my parents won't care." Carson nodded and I was just relieved that she wasn't going to have to stay by herself anymore. "Carson, do you want to come back to class or do you want to go home?" Liam asked and she looked up at Alex like she was asking him what to do, but he didn't tell her anything. "Uhm, I think I'll go back to class, keep me distracted for a little while." she told us and Liam nodded, "alright well do you want to go back now or stay down here for a little while?" he asked her and she told us that she wanted to go back now. The four of us all stood up and we all walked out the door to go to our classes. When we got to the classroom, Alex and Liam both walked in, but Carson stood outside for a minute with me. She looked up at me and I pulled her into a hug and she immediately wrapped her arms around my waist. "Thank you." she told me quietly and pulled out of the hug. I nodded and she turned around to walk into the classroom. "Carson, wait." i told her and she turned around to look at me. "If you ever need to like talk or anything, I'm here." I told her and she smiled, and then we both walked into our classrooms.

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