Chapter Eight

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So it's now my second day of working here and so far it's gone pretty well.  All of the boys and I have been so impressed with how well behaved and educated these students are, but we are teaching all of the advanced classes here at this school, so I guess we shouldn't expect any less.  Everything that we were taught at the university didn't really help, but we didn't really expect it to.  We all figured that teaching was something that we were going to have to learn as we go, but one thing that did come true that all of the professors taught us was that there would always be one problem child.  That it didn't matter if you were teaching the advanced classes, the regular classes, or the remedial ones, there would always be one student who was a troublemaker.  That the only reason they acted out was so they could see how much they could get away with, to see how far they could push you.  But what the professors didn't tell us what that my student that misbehaves would be a perfect angel for the rest of the boys.  That she had always gotten straight A's, a good child, came from a pretty good home, a friendly person that most people liked, the number one singles tennis player while only being a junior in high school, but she would also make my class a living hell.  They didn't tell us any of that, but all of that and more was true about Carson Malone.  I looked at her record, perfect grades, never got in trouble, my detention was only her second one this year, the boys loved having her in class, they said she had an amazing sense of humor, that she was a smart and dedicated student, that she could make the class fun but also knew when it was time to be serious, and that when she smiled it lit up the entire room.  But that last part was just normal Harry, so I probably shouldn't worry about that.  So I'm guessing that she's a good kid, that she just had an off morning, but she came in (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, sorry I bird literally just flew into my window like no joke, I think I just peed my pants.)perfectly happy, and Liam said she was perfectly fine in his class.  But whatever it was, all I knew was that if she kept it up I could make this class a living hell for her, and she definitely didn't want that.  I continued to think of ways to make this class terrible when Carson walked in, she was red in the face from her morning practice, and it was sort of awkward since she just stood there for a minute and none of the other students had arrived yet.

"Is there anything that I can help you with Carson?" I asked, trying not to show how much I didn't want her to be here.

"Uh, yeah, actually I wanted to talk about what happened in here yesterday, if that's okay?" wow, that's a shock, she was actually being polite and trying to fix what happened, maybe the boys were right about her.

"Yeah, sure, um, just come sit down." I replied not knowing what else to say.


Okay, come on Carson, you can do this. Just walk in and talk to him like he's any other teacher. My heart was telling me that I had to fix this whole thing with Mr. Malik, but my brain was saying if you go into that class room you are a dumb ass.  So what did I do, being the dumb ass I am, I walked into the classroom.  Not sure of what to say, I just stood there awkwardly trying to think of a way to start the conversation. Luckily for me, he spoke first.

"Is there anything I can help you with Carson?" I could tell that he was annoyed even though nothing had happened yet, could he seriously still be that angry about what happened yesterday? Damn, this guy can hold a grudge.

"Uh, yeah, actually I wanted to talk about what happened in here yesterday, if that's okay?" I asked trying to sound confident and not nervous, even though I'm pretty sure I failed at that miserably.

"Yeah, sure, um, just come sit down." He said shocked, well after yesterday I probably wouldv'e been pretty shocked myself.

"So, uh, about yesterday, I......" I started not knowing what to say, "what happened in here yesterday, it, it well, it just shouldn't have happened. Just my day started out terribly with my dog peeing on my bed, then I ran into Ricki's locker, and I knew that it was Blake's last day  here and we've been friends since like forever, and then I came to school and find out that all of my teachers have been replaced, and like all of the girls are drooling all over them, and it was just a bad morning and I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I'm not usually like that so I'm sorry." I blurted all out in one breath.

I expected him to say something but instead he burst out laughing. WTF? What is wrong with him, I'm starting to regret apologizing to him now.  I looked at him with an are you fucking kidding me face, and he immediately stopped laughing.

"Look Carson, I get it, everyone has their off mornings. We both got off on a bad start, I get that you and Blake were close and I'm sorry that he had to move, and I guess I'm sorry about your dog peeing on your bed?" he asked the last part hesitantly and as more of a question, "and I probably could've been more laid back on he first day, I just didn't want people to take advantage of me since I was new, I could've been nicer and I'm sorry for that. And you noticed all of the girls too, none of the other guys did. So you're forgiven!" 

Well thank God, if he didn't forgive me I would've killed myself. 

"So, what do you say, can we start over?" he asked while holding his hand out to shake. I laughed and nodded and reached my hand out to his.

"Well i'm your new AP Gov. teacher Mr. Malik, nice to meet you ms.?" he asked with a friendly smile.

"Carson Malone, sir, and nice to meet you as well." I replied shaking his hand while returning his friendly smile.

We, then both started laughing at how ridiculous we sounded, and didn't stop till the other students started piling in.  But on the way to my seat I only had one thing on my mind. I think I'm gonna like this class.


After all of that I think I'm gonna like Carson just as much, if not more, than the other boys. When the other students started coming in, I made my way up to the front to start today's lesson.  The short time it took me to get to the board, I had one thing on my mind. I think I'm gonna like teaching here.

.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. I finally updated, and I think I might like this version a little better than the last one. I tried to make the ending of this chapter cute, so there I hope you like it!!!!!!!!

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