Chapter Three

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I walked towards my desk at the back of the room as Mr. Malik introduced himself. I'm pretty sure that I didn't make the best first impression with walking into the class laughing like crazy and then sitting on the desk, so I guess I'll have to prove that I'm not some girl who doesn't care at all. I took my seat infront of Kody and set my stuff ontop of the desk, when Kody tapped me on the shoulder. I ignored him, and looked up at Mr. Malik, I really wanted to prove to him that I'm a good kid, and not someone who doesn't listen in class. But of course, Kody just had to keep tapping me on my shoulder. 'Just ignore him Carson.' I told myself. I was trying to focus on what Mr. Malik was saying up at the front of the room, when Kody poked my back, making me jump. "What do you want Kody?" I asked, trying to be as quiet as possible. "I just wanted to say Hi!!" Kody replied with a smirk. Really, hi that's all he wanted. "Well, Hi Kody." I responded rudely, and turned back around trying to pay attention to what was going on at the front of the room. Not even 30 seconds later, Kody pokes my in my back again causing me to knock my books off my desk. I bent down to pick my stuff up, and looked up to see everyone, including Mr. Malik looking at me.

"Is there a problem Ms. Malone?' he asked

"Uh, sorry, Kody here just keeps poking me in my back." I turned around smirking at Kody.

"Well, Kody, keep your hands to yourself, and the two of you need to pay attention to what's going on up here."

"I was," I replied, "but Kody keeps distracting me." I said trying to sound as sincere about it as I could.

"Ms. Malone, I would appreciate it if you wouldn't talk back to me unless you want to end up in detention this afternoon."

What, he has got to be kidding me, I wasn't even doing anything.

"Uh yeah, sorry Mr. Malik." I said and sank into my seat, trying to avoid all of the stares the rest of my class was giving. Probably because I never got in trouble, I was generally a good kid, and it's not even my fault today. It was Kody's, he just had to keep annoying me like usual, maybe I can talk to Mr. Malik about moving my seat, maybe up at the front next to Lauryn. Eh, probably not, he probably already knows better than to put us next to each other.

I spent the rest of the period trying to pay attention to what he was saying, and not Kody constantly trying to distract me. It went pretty well, I didn't get yelled at for the rest of the lesson which I was happy about. I don't usually get in trouble, so when I do I don't deal with it the best. When the bell rang, I met up with Lauryn and Ricki and walked out of the class.

"Gosh Cars, who would've thought that out of the three of us, you would be the one who gets in trouble with the teacher on the first day!! Ricki said with a smirk.

"Shut up Ricki, that wasn't even my fault. You know that Kody always likes to mess with me, I guess this teacher just won't put up with it. I thought it was gonna be a good thing, but Mr. Malik just had to go and blame it on me and claim that I was talking back to him, which I wasn't. Was I?"

"I hate to break it to ya Cars, but yeah you kind of were talking back to him. Honestly I was shocked, I didn't know that you had that in you but I guess you did." Lauryn said to me.

"Well crap, now my my first impression is really bad, and that whole class I was trying to make him like me."

"Well face it Cars, not every teacher is going to like you, that's just life. If you really want him to like you, you're just gonna have to prove that you're a good student." Ricki said.

"Ricki did you honestly think that I wasn't trying to be a good student in there? Because I was, I just couldn't concentrate today and I don't know why."

"It's because he's hot Carson, we have a hot teacher and you can't concentrate when he's up there." Lauryn said.

"Wait what, no that would be weird to think that my teacher is hot. Lauryn just shut up, you don't know what you're talking about."

"Alright whatever you say, we should probably get to our next classes, unless you want to make a bad first impression with those teachers too."

"Uh Lauryn you can't make a bad first impression if they've been our teachers all year."

"Just think about it Carson, if we had one new teacher, why wouldn't we have more new teachers." Ricki said.

"Well crap, I didn't think about that, I guess we should go to class."

"Yeah, bye guys! See you later." Lauryn said walking off, and Ricki walking in the opposite direction. I swear, if I have more new teachers, the rest of this year is going to be a living hell, I thought as I walked towards my next class.

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