Chapter Two

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-Third Person-

"Fear is defined as a feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger. Whether it's a ghost, a spirit or an entity, they all feed on it. Take Maurice here. A French-Canadian farmer with no more than a third-grade education, yet after he was possessed, spoke some of the best Latin I'd ever heard. Sometimes backwards," Ed explained, gesturing to the screen. On the projector, it showed a man muttering in Latin, his eyes were white and Lorraine beside him wiping away sweat and bloody tears. The audience watched in horror.

"He'd been molested by his father, who had also tortured him repeatedly," Ed continued. The screen then showed a priest reading from the bible, performing an exorcism on the man. "A dark spirit made its home in this man." Now it was Ed and Lorraine holding up Maurice while Lorraine wiped away more bloody tears.

"Now, if you look into his eyes, you can see him tearing blood," Lorraine took over. The audience began to mutter at the sight. On-screen, Maurice fell from his chair, drool escaping his mouth while he and the priest spoke in Latin. "And like that, an upside-down cross started to appear from within his body," Lorraine said. And like she said, Maurice took hold of his shirt and pulled it up a little exposing his stomach as an upside-down cross appeared on his skin, like as though someone was pressing the mark from within him.

Ed then told Drew to stop the recording which prompted the audience to raise their hands. Ed let out a surprised sound, making Amy and Judy, who had been in the corner to snort silently.

"Was Judy and Amy there for this particular case?" one man in the back asked.

"No, we didn't get involve for this case." Amy answers as Judy nod.

"She's right, we didn't see the need to put them into such trouble," Lorraine replied quickly.

"Did you personally perform the exorcism?" one lady in the front asked, thankfully changing the subject.

"No, I'm not authorised. But I've assisted on many. See an exorcism can be very dangerous not only for the victim but for anyone in the room," Ed says, looking specifically at Lorraine.

"So what happened to Maurice?" the same lady asked. "He tried to kill his wife but instead shot her in the arm and then turned the gun on himself. Maurice had a very troubled life with little to live for and not even an exorcist could bring him back," Ed answered grimly. "Amy?" Ed gestured and Amy took over.

"That leads us to the three stages of demonic activity," Amy spoke while her father rolled up the screen revealing a blackboard with three words written on it. "Infestation, oppression and possession. Now infestation: that's the whispering, the footsteps, the feeling of another presence which ultimately grows into oppression, the next stage.

Now, this is where the victim, and it's usually the one who's the most psychologically vulnerable is targeted specifically by an external force. Breaks the victim down. Crushes their will. And once in a weakened state, leads them to the final stage: possession," Amy finished. Unbeknownst to them, Carolyn Perron was currently seated in the far back, listening to their lecture.

Once the lecture was over, the Warrens headed to their car, Amy helping carry the stuff they had brought and Ed putting them in the car. "Hey Ed? Lorraine? Judy? Amy?" Drew called out as to notify them of his presence. "There's someone here that would like to talk to you," Drew informed.

"Thanks, Drew," Amy thanked before greeting none other than Carolyn Perron. "How can we help you?" Lorraine asked. "There's something horrible happening in my house. Could you come and take a look?" Carolyn pleaded. Ed seemed hesitant. He didn't want to go on another case. He was worried about his wife's mental health and he didn't need a case to make things any worse.

"You know, uh, it's getting kinda late, we really need to head to our family," Ed tried to squeeze out of it. "No, you don't understand-" Carolyn began only to be cut off my Ed.

"But we do-" before Ed could continue, Amy stepped in. "Dad, come on, listen to what she has to say. But my dad's right, there is usually some sort of rational explanation."

"I have five daughters who are scared to death. I'm so afraid this thing wants to hurt us. I mean you have two beautiful daughters. Wouldn't you do anything you could to protect her? Please. Please, could you come and take a look," Carolyn tried again, this time aiming at Lorraine, but not before giving Amy and Judy a silent look that spoke her thanks.

"Hey girls, looks like we have a new case." Amy whispered to Janice, Linda and Annabelle the human after she change from the doll.

"Yeah and I can't wait for this." Annabelle whispered while Janice and Linda nod.

"Can I follow you?" Judy asked as she replied, "Yes, you can follow with us." And Judy began to smile.

" And Judy began to smile

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