Chapter 11: 🏃‍♂️The Two on the Run🏃‍♂️

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Turly had never awoken so painfully before. It was like his whole body had sunburn, only amplified.

Where am I? Turly looked around what looked like a recovery room with shelves filled with spray bottles. Potions, as he remembered hours of Pokémon gameplay on his DS. Memories of Dailga in Diamond using his brand new Piplup from the lab. Of course, this was before he meet Piper. Before he would always pick either water or fire types when he started up a main game. But ever since he turned into a turtwig, he had to probably guess he would choose Bulbasaur, or Chikorita from time to time.

He remembered what used to be his favorite pokémon... Totodile... He still loved totodile, but actually experiencing what being a Turtwig is like, he began to enjoy his species.

He moved to get up on his 4 spaghetti legs, he started limping toward the doorway on the other side of the room to get a more clearer idea of where he was. Poking his head from the doorway, he saw a long hallway with a few windows letting blue moonlight in.

Jeez how long was I out? He climbed the wall to look out of a window. Outside, he recognized the path heading toward the square.

"You lost?"

Turly banged his head on the window frame trying to whirl around to see who spoke. "Um," He said impishly.

Turly should've been able to recognize who this was but currently his brain was spinning in between his rashes from the blast trap and the sudden blow to the head earlier.

"Well speak up. I'm not a psychic type,"

"Uh yeah... I guess... Where am I," Turly said.

"Your in the Orbit Base..." The shiftry replied gruffly like it was obvious.

"Really!?" Turly didn't mean to sound so enthusiastic about that as he did, but he couldn't believe that he was inside the Orbit HQ.

"You seemed really banged up when Axel found you... You feel okay?"

CRAP THE TRIAL!!! "AAA- What happened at the trial? What were our results?"

The shiftry frowned.

Turly felt as though 10 bricks landed on his chest. "Was it because I-"

"Oh no somehow you never got ejected from the dungeon despite the condition you were in..."

Turly sighed in relief. "Wait a second then how did I get out of the dungeon?"

"Axel said he had to carry you the whole way,"

Turly had expected that Axel had to do something with that but the WHOLE WAY! Turly felt bad for how much Axel had to endure that day. "Uh can I go home? Or do I have to stay here a little longer?"

"Why are you asking me that?" The shiftry chuckled, "I'm not your nurse, but I guess you can. Just don't tell anyone,"

Turly grinned, "Thanks,"

"Uh the entrance is this way," He pointed in the opposite direction that Turly had started walking in.

"Oh... whoops," Turly corrected himself and went on his way making sure he said a small goodbye to the Orbittee...


Axel couldn't sleep, no matter how hard he tried tossing and turning sleep would not come to him.

I failed the speed trail... He thought. That was the first time he completely failed a speed trial. Normally he got around half the speed trial points. In the past, this gave Axel a bit of a safety net in case he actually got some points in the strength trial. Axel would have to pass as the top team to be admitted now. This scared him deep within his core, he knew that there was no possible way that that was possible. Even with Turly (who was still recovering from the blast trap today) and Piper (who had been doing nothing but complain throughout the trials) it would take more than a miracle from Arceus to even come close to being admitted.

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