Chapter 16: The End of Innocence

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Turly's face went white as looked around the corner. Something was over there, that was certain. 

"Turly?" Chiree whispered to him. He was shaking so violently that it was visible to Chiree when she looked at him. 

He turned to her and mouthed something she couldn't figure out but based on what happened next, she could identify it as 'run'. Turly darted away from the corner faster then she could blink with a red blur behind him a little slower then the speedy Turtwig. When Turly got out of sight, the blur quickly slowed down enough for Chiree to get a good look at the creature. 

Chiree could've sworn her heart stopped when she realized that the creature was Axel

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Chiree could've sworn her heart stopped when she realized that the creature was Axel. No green remained on him. Even his tusks had seemed to change their color. But the eyes were the worst thing about his appearance. His whole eye seemed to be red and glowing bright. What was happening to him!? 

The demon seemed positioned to attack immediately when their eyes met. Chiree prepared too, already throwing an ancient power at him that seemed to hit Axel square on the chest. It didn't seem too have done much damage but that wasn't what Chiree wanted. She was hoping to get the stat boost, and by some luck, she did. 

"Axel! Snap out of it!" She shouted at him as he charged at her at tremendous speed and agility. Even with the speed boost, Chiree had difficulty dodging the Slash of demonic Axel. "WHERE'S THE AXEW WHO I MET IN THE FOREST!" 

Axel puffed like a Buffalo getting ready to charge again. He glowed yellow and green indicating the stat increment of attack and speed. 

"Of course you know Dragon Dance," She said helpless. Axel charged with a Dragon Pulse ready and aimed at her that seemed nearly impossible to dodge. 

"AXEL! GET AWAY FROM HER!!!" Turly yelled suddenly tackling him to the ground. "You ARE NOT killing another friend today!" 

Chiree joined Turly in pinning the squirming Axew to the ground. If you are going to warp us. Now would be a good time Shift. Chiree thought ducking the swinging tusks of the mutant. 



Axel felt strange as he woke up in Starfall forest. Everything ached and felt out of place. He felt out of place. Everything around him was a shade of red (Including himself). It reminded him fearfully of that time with Chiree the other day when he started hallucinating. Is this a dream? Does that mean I failed again... He thought wildly as he sat on the red ground staring up at the dark void above him. Where am I? 

Axel strangely wasn't as scared as he was the first time this happened to him. Nothing seemed to be lurking around him yet. He felt like he could see for miles and hear even farther than that. He stood up and looked around the crimson trees, he didn't know what he was expecting to happen. For the first time in his life, he felt perfectly calm. He almost didn't want it to end, if it weren't for the eerie feeling the forest gave. 

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