Chapter 14: Living Demons

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Sparks immediately flew on the other side of the battle arena sparking high above the canyon themed landscape. 

"I guess everyone is on the other side of the field..." Turly said. 

Beams of light started shooting up into the sky faster then lightning. A sign of reviver seeds being used. Axel counted about five go off knowing that one of those was about to be him getting warped out of the trial. 

"We should split up, harder to target us out that way," Piper said. 

"Won't that make us easier to knock out though?" Turly pointed out to her.

"I wasn't talking to you Turly," Piper snapped, "The only reason I'm even cooperating with you right now is to finish what we started! Come on Pointy," She ran toward the dark tunnel ahead of her without so much as a glimpse behind her. 

Like I'm going to follow you... Axel thought. Turly watched her disappear in the dark cavern and sighed. 

"Okay?" He asked the wounded grass type. 

Turly tried to smile a little. "Yeah, you gonna follow her or-"

"Not for all the P$ in the world,"

"She's probably the better fighter though... And from what you've told me I assume you won't use your moves," 

"..." Axel did have a move that he was comfortable using... But it becomes pathetic when he never attacked anything. "I'm comfortable using Dragon Dance," 

Turly bit his lip, "Well I guess that's something," 

"What Attacks do you have?"

"Me? I got Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Absorb, and uhh... Sand Tomb. I don't use sand tomb a lot..."

"What are you two chatting on about? There's a fight going on here," A Emolga jumped down to land next to them. "Axew huh? that's a little tough to crew ain't it..."

"Yep," said a Mantyke appearing behind her. "Dragon type. That's sure to get us DOUBLE POINTS!" 


A small Gible, most likely Gibs, waddled out of the shadows. "It's not my fault I can't fly like you two," 

"Three against two! That's hardly fair isn't it?" Axel's partner stated. 

"It's fair when you got a Dragon type. Wouldn't you say?" The Emolga replied stepping closer. Axel and Turly stood back to back as the group surrounded them. 

"Maybe we should try a 2 on 2 for good-" 

"SHUT UP GIBS!!!" Emolga and Mantyke shouted in unison. 

"Turly..." Axel whispered. 

"What? Got a plan..."

"Not a good one but..." 

"Any idea is better then 1 v 3ing these guys,"

Emolga was preparing to attack with their cheeks glowing.

"Use Sand Tomb on the ground,"

"What the hell will that do?"

"Trust me," 

"See how dragons react to a little lightning!" Emolga burst with sparks. 


The ground suddenly exploded sending sand everywhere temporarily blinding the three giving Turly the moment of surprise he needed to attack. By the time the sand cleared, the Emogla was found unconscious next to her wide eyed teammates. And with a beam of light, the electric type was gone leaving behind only a seed to useless to pick up. 

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