Chapter 26: Bad Choices

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Turly inhaled air into his freshly repaired lungs as the blinding light faded from his vision. He shook his head slightly feeling a bit dizzy as he tried to recall what had happened. Axel was gone... Blake took him... The two sentences floated around his mind like annoying flies as Chiree shook him with her vines startling him out of his daze.

"What happened!" She said for the third time.

"I- He-" Turly's brain was on overload as he stuttered trying to explain the events leading up to waking her up. Everything happened too quick for his brain to process. Axel was quickly clobbered from the surprise attack that the litwick formed. With a swift Night Shade, the axew was almost immediately knocked out.

Chiree listened intently as Turly finished getting to the point of getting launched by a well formed Shadow Ball and slamming into Chiree.

Chiree stared for a few moments like she was still processing everything when she said, "I thought you said you didn't have a reviver seed..."

"When did I say that!?" Turly questioned.

"When you hit that tree..."

Maybe he did say that now that he thought about it.

"Well at least the reviver fixed your tongue..." Chiree replied this a sigh. "I was getting tired of hearing your gibberish,"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Turly replied, "Are you judging the way I talk?"

Chiree shook her head. "Not the time... We need to go after Axel before Blake does anything to him," Chiree returned to her bed to get her things.

"Hey! Don't just avoid my comment!" Turly called after her. Turly sighed, "Here we go again,"

He stared toward the wreckage waiting for Chiree to gather her things. He still couldn't imagine anyone living in the ruined houses that scattered across the mountain top.

Chiree approached the Turtwig again asking, "Did you happen to see where they went?"

"I uh... Was more focused on the fighting to pay that much attention..."

Chiree bit her lip.

"I think they might've gone this wa-," Turly stopped himself and corrected himself, "Wait no this way," Turly continued pointing his hoof to what he assumed to be southwest.

"Well what are we waiting for then? Let's go!" Chiree said.

"Wanna race?" Turly asked with newfound energy and a smirk forming on his jaw.

Chiree rolled her eyes but he saw the small smile forming on her face, "No, I don't want you to go smacking into another tree and give you a worse brain injury than you already have,"

Turly grinned even wider, "Yeah whatever,"



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