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The worst part about homeroom was that all the Year 12 students were grouped together. Normally, this would be fine if it wasn't for Veronica's loudmouth.

Natalie leaned forward in her chair, pretending she was staring closer at her notebook. Except, the words seemed to blur on the page as she strained to listen closer to Veronica's chattering.

Really, Natalie had been entirely focused on her work. She'd been completely committed to studying all through homeroom. There was no shaking her concentration. No, she was all about studying, studying, studying.

That was until a name had burst from Veronica's lips and immediately rendered Natalie's concentration non-existent.

"Lukey is picking me up from school today," Veronica told the girls around her. Her smile only grew as she took in the girls' dazzled gazes. "I wouldn't be surprised if Leon comes too."

Natalie sat straighter in her seat, glancing in Veronica's direction at the sound of Leon's name.

"Have you been texting him?" someone asked, and Veronica laughed, her eyes darting around from face to face. When she was certain that all eyes were on her, her smile grew.

"Of course," she said. "He's just been really busy with school. You know how he is. Besides, he goes to Sierra Grammar. They're super strict there."

Natalie exhaled sharply, her hand sliding to cover her mouth. If Leon was busy with anything, it definitely wouldn't be with school. He'd probably been truant enough times to be held back at this point.

And judging by the way Veronica's gaze seemed to slip anxiously from one person to the next, Natalie could tell she was lying.

She saw the opportunity flash before her eyes. She could expose her lie right now. Maybe get her to show her supposed texts with Leon, or make her call him.

It would be a sort of revenge for the years of teasing Natalie had to endure.

Except—she couldn't say anything.

She couldn't correct her.

She couldn't say a word.

If anyone found out about Natalie and Leon (not that anything was happening between them, she reminded herself with a blush), the rumours would spread across the school until they reached her parents.

And then what? She'd be disowned, probably.

And on top of that, what would she even say? She was Leon's... friend? Sort of.

So, she kept her mouth shut, even as Veronica continued.

"Anyway, they're probably bored of the girls at Sierra's. I mean, seriously. Have you seen their frumpy little uniforms? I've never seen longer skirts in my life. The girls at St Helena's are on a whole other level. At least, some of us are."

Something in the tone of her voice and the way she paused gave Natalie the urge to look up. Trying to be subtle, she glanced upwards, but it was pointless. Veronica was already grinning at her.

"I'll show Leon what a real girl looks like," she continued. Her smile turned venomous as she looked back at the girls around her.

"What about Lucas Morton?" asked another girl. "He's cute."

Veronica laughed. "Cute, sure. But Leon is hot."

A chorus of giggles echoed from the group and Natalie steamed. Her whole face felt hot. She knew Leon was popular—she'd always known. Except, actually hearing it, seeing it; this was hard.

And if Veronica was telling the truth, if she had to witness Leon picking her up at the school gates today—she shook the image from her mind. She couldn't let herself get distracted.

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