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It was bound to happen at some point.

Natalie had felt her concentration slipping. She spent more time reading and fantasising than reviewing her study notes these days. And with everything that had been happening with Leon, and her recent encounter with Tyler, school had been the last thing on her mind. It was inevitable.

But now, with that paper in her hand, the number 89 scrawled across the top of the page—it was worse than she could have ever imagined. Her stomach turned and she thought she might be sick.

She buried her face into her pillow, letting it soak up the tears that spilled freely from her eyes. Her entire body shook with silent sobs. The initial dread that had flooded her body when she first saw her mark had quickly been replaced by pure devastation, giving way to tears and heartache.

What would her father say when he saw it? What would her teachers think? Her classmates?

What was Natalie without her top marks and never-ending 100's? Medical school had become her entire identity. Since she was a child and first decided she wanted to be a doctor, school had consumed her life.

Except, now she had gotten an 89. She couldn't even remember the last time her grades had slipped below 90.

She hadn't been disciplined enough. That was what it was. She needed to set a screentime limit on her phone. She needed to throw out her Ophelia novels. Most of all, she needed to stop thinking about Leon so much.

It was time for her to focus again.

Natalie swiped at her eyes with the fleshy part of her palms and picked up her exam again. She sniffed hard. There'd be no more crying. She needed to talk to Mr Pham. She'd convince him, somehow, to give her the marks she needed. She'd beg if she had to.

Whatever she needed to do, it would be worth it in the end.


It had been a few days since Natalie last saw Leon—since Tyler and his little gang appeared at her school gates and chased her and Nyra down the street.

Today, however, she had a feeling she'd be seeing him. Mostly due to the fact that Lucas Morton was once again waiting outside of her school, alone and leaning against his fancy car.

Girls surrounded him, but once Natalie stepped out of the school building with Nyra, his eyes shot straight to her.

She watched as his lips tilted, his brows raising.

And, just barely, he lifted his head in a tiny nod at her.

She felt stunned, unsure if she was supposed to nod back. No, that would be too obvious. And it wasn't like she'd ever spoken to him before.

"I'm starting to realise now why Lucas keeps appearing here now," Nyra said. She laughed, rolling her eyes at herself. "I'm so dumb. How did I not realise something was up earlier? Oh God—That time when I told you Leon Hughes is trouble. Were you already talking to him back then?"

Natalie's blush was all she needed to see for an answer.

"Oh, my God! Nat! I mean, sorry for dissing your man, but I guess I wasn't wrong, was I?" she teased.

"Nyra!" she exclaimed, nudging her friend.

"Hey! His little enemies came here looking for you. I'd call that trouble, personally."

She wasn't wrong. The pair walked together, Natalie keeping her eyes down as they passed Lucas and his gaggle of girls, while Nyra stared at him right in the eyes. Lucas seemed to frown at her stare—borderline glare—before grinning at the attention.

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