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Tyler stepped into the room, towering over Natalie. She remembered him now, with his sandy blond hair and tattooed arms.

Of course, how could she forget?

In the context of the Golden Ring, despite his height and tattoos, he looked more boyish than ever. Natalie couldn't believe she ever thought he was older than a teenager.

Well, she supposed their last meeting was under different circumstances. She'd been so scared that day when he and his little gang of friends chased her down the street demanding a rematch with Leon.

And now she was here, alone with him in a room.

"What do you want?" Natalie asked, trying to keep her voice steady. Her eyes flickered over his shoulder, searching for Leon—or Jeff, or anyone.

"I'm looking for your little boyfriend," he replied.

She didn't bother arguing the term. She knew who he was talking about, and something about that look in his eye told her to play it safe.

"He's out there."

"Right, but he won't talk to me out there," Tyler said. He stepped closer and Natalie leaned back into her seat. He noticed her movement and a vicious smile grew on his face. "Hence, me being in here."

"He'll be back any second," Natalie said. An attempt at a threat. Judging by Tyler's unwavering smile, it wasn't an effective threat.

"Oh, I'm counting on it." He moved even closer, cocking his head to look at her. He leaned a hand on the table beside her, humming. "I can see what Leon sees in you."

She shrunk away, trying to remember Leon's lessons on punching. Where was her thumb supposed to go again?

"I think it's the hair that really does it for me. Long, dark, and—is that coconut? I like it."

He lifted a hand, as if reaching for Natalie's hair. She acted on instinct, or maybe muscle memory. Her fist flew forward, thumb curled securely over her fingers, but before her punch could land, Tyler was whipped back.

"Get your fucking hands off her," Leon seethed, one hand planted on Tyler's shoulder and the other aiming directly for his jaw.

Tyler swept to the side but not before Leon's knuckles banged into his mouth.

Tyler jumped backwards and Leon took the opportunity to get between him and Natalie, standing in front of her like a bodyguard.

From her position, Natalie admired the way Leon stood tall. The muscles in his book were obvious, even through his t-shirt. She couldn't believe she didn't immediately know he was a fighter.

"There you are," Tyler said, his thumb wiping at a fresh cut in his bottom lip. He narrowed his eyes, a menacing smile stretching across his bleeding lips. "I just wanted to talk."

"Talk to me then, not her," Leon replied. Every word he said was lined with such hatred and anger, his voice itself was a threat.

"What, your little girlfriend's off-limits?" Tyler asked, his voice almost teasing. He glanced past Leon, meeting Natalie's eyes, and his smile grew. "She was enjoying our conversation."

"Do you want me to punch you again?" Leon asked. "Or do you want to shut your fucking mouth? Your decision."

"Something along those lines," Tyler said. "I want to fight again. A rematch."

Leon scoffed, rolling his eyes. His defensive stance seemed to relax at that, as if realising how little of a threat Tyler really was. "Get a life. I only fight who the boss wants me to fight, and it looks like no one wants to see you in the ring."

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