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Natalie's first date came on a weekend when winter was fading to spring. Leaves had just started to sprout on the trees that lined her street and it had finally warmed up enough for her to wear shorts instead of sweatpants.

It started with an ambush.

Now that Leon had officially gained her parents' approval, he was also officially allowed to pick her up from the front gates of her school. No more hiding around the block. Their relationship was out and in the open.

Well, it was still against school rules for strange boys to loiter at the gates, but as long as no one caught him, they'd be fine.

"Oh, my God," Nyra whispered as they walked towards the gates together. "I'm not saying I didn't believe you, but girl. You and Leon are really dating!"

Natalie smiled, lifting a hand towards Leon. His eyes were instantly on her, and he waved back.

Nyra watched the two with pursed lips. "Man, I really need to download some dating apps."

"I'll see you on Monday?" Natalie asked, turning towards her friend.

Nyra nodded, shooting her a wink. "Have fun with your man."

"I knew I shouldn't have told you."

"Oh, please. You were dying to tell someone. All lunch you were like 'Leon, Leon, Leon'!"

"So were you!"

"Can you blame me? My bestie is officially taken! I can barely contain my excitement," she replied.

"Hi Nyra." They turned to find Leon standing in front of them. He took Natalie's hand into his own. "Mind if I steal your friend here?"

"You mean your girlfriend?" Nyra said, her grin widening. "Of course. She's all yours. Bye, girl."

Natalie waved goodbye, letting Leon lead her out of school grounds.

Around them, people whispered, stared. She was sure Veronica was part of the scattered crowd, but she tried not to care.

She knew what they were thinking. Most were probably asking themselves who the hell Natalie was. The rest were wondering how someone like Natalie ended up with Leon.

Let them wonder, Natalie thought. Their story was theirs alone.

"How was school?" Leon asked, squeezing her fingers as they rounded the corner towards Sierra Grammar.

They didn't have much of a reason to hang around the nurse's office anymore. It had begun as an excuse—a reason for Natalie to see Leon, and a reason for Leon to speak to Natalie. But somewhere along the way, it had become something special.

And they only had a matter of weeks left before they graduated high school and would never see it again.

They were two blocks away when the ambush happened.

Leon stopped suddenly and Natalie paused in the middle of her rant about English class. He held a hand up and tilted his head, frowning. He must have heard something because in one swift move, he spun on his heels.

"I'm not sneaking up on you!" Lucas Morton shouted, holding his hands up in defence as he rounded the corner. His other friends, Ron and Alistair, stood with him, their hands also in the air.

"Guys," Leon said, groaning. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Oh, come on," Ron said. "You guys are seriously dating now. Don't we deserve a proper introduction?"

"I already let you follow her on Instagram."

"Instagram is so not a proper introduction," Ron said.

"Yeah," Lucas piped up. "We need to know the real details. How did you meet? Who asked who out? Where was your first date?"

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