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"Can I fucking help you?" Leon shouted over the noise, immediately cutting between Natalie and the man. He was so close, Natalie had to physically step back to accommodate him.

He was breathing heavily, adrenaline still pumping from his fight. His whole back was pure muscle and glistening with sweat. Her stomach fluttered at the view, her mind wandering to unspeakable places.

"Woah, man, sorry," the man replied, holding his hands up. His words seemed to slur a bit, matching the smell of alcohol that drifted on his breath. "Didn't realise you were the friend."

"Does it matter? She's clearly young, Dan. Why are you hitting on a high schooler, huh?" Leon shouted. He shoved the man's chest, causing his drink to spill.

"High schooler?" he repeated, his eyes bulging. "How was I supposed to know that?" the man—Dan—stepped closer to Leon, and Natalie's heart sank.

Was this leading up to a fight?

"You couldn't use your eyes?" Leon asked.

Dan glanced in Natalie's direction. She froze. All he was doing was looking at her, his beady eyes trained on her face, but she couldn't help the shivers she felt. She was only starting to get used to Leon's attention. A man like this—she felt like she wanted to shrivel up and vanish.

Leon shoved him, his hands planting hard on Dan's chest.

"What are you looking at?"

"Nothing!" Dan said.

"Really?" He shoved him again.

"Really!" Dan shouted. "I didn't realise! She looked—"

"How did she look?"

"I don't know, hot—"

Leon practically growled as he shoved Dan once more, sending him staggering back.

"What the fuck did you just say? She's seventeen!"

"Well, I thought she looked hot, can you blame me—"

His words were smothered as Leon grabbed his collar in a tight grip. "I want you to think about your next words very carefully."

Before Dan could respond, a familiar face appeared. Jeff, the security guard, stepped between the two and grabbed Dan's arm.

"Dan, mate. I think you've been drinking too much," he said. He tugged him, nodding towards the other end of the room. "Let's sit down, huh?"

Dan didn't take his eyes off of Leon, but he nodded, glaring the entire way to his seat with Jeff.

Natalie let out a tight breath, relieved at his swift exit, but then Leon turned and suddenly the anger in his eyes was directed at her.

"Natalie," he began, his voice scarily calm. "What are you doing here?"

She felt like she should answer but when her mouth opened, no words came out. Leon stared at her for a moment, expectantly, before a frown tugged at his lips.

Behind him, people patted his shoulder as they passed, or shook his hand, trying to start a conversation, but Leon ignored them all.

Instead, his eyes dropped to her hands. He sighed heavily, running a hand over his face. Gently, he took her hand in his, giving her a little squeeze.

"You're shaking," he muttered. "Come here."

Her hand still in his, he led her through the crowds.

She was amazed at the sorts of people she passed along the way—the people who stopped to congratulate Leon. From buff, tattooed men, to the sweetest looking, petite women in little sundresses. The Golden Ring seemed to accommodate all kinds of people. Even the guy that Leon had beat came to congratulate him.

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