Chapter One

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Siri, where are we going?" Harry asked as they trudged through the marshy beach.

"Somewhere. Somewhere important."

"Specify! Please!" Harry whined as they reached the sand. It was damp and wet and totally not what you would expect in summer. The entire beach was deserted, which was understandable considering how odd it was. It was clean in terms of no trash but it was covered in odd plants here and there and looked gloomy.

They reached the edge of land where the sand meets the water. Harry stared out in the distance. The North Sea looked as if it was never ending. "It goes on forever." Harry whispered. He heard distant rumbling. The telltale signs of a storm. Harry squinted his eyes as he stared, trying to make out his surroundings.

Sirius was further away unhooking what seemed like a centuries-old boat from its docking point. Harry let out a loud sigh as he stared back into the sea. He just finished his Fourth year. So far, definitely the worst. The tournament nearly killed him several times, he nearly lost his best friend of all time, Voldemort came back and Cedric fucking died. Harry and Cedric weren't close nor were they really friends, more like acquaintances but the sight. The sight of his body, lifeless and no remorse whatsoever. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes. He was getting good at moving on but the small niggling feeling of how he could have just saved him if he tried remained.

The salty sea breeze whipped through his hair. Harry instinctively wrapped his arms together to warm himself. Thunder rumbled in the distance, it wasn't as far away now.

"Harry!" Sirius called from near the boat. Harry looked in his direction before he broke out in a run towards him.

"You still haven't told me what you're doing." Harry exclaimed. Sirius heaved a black duffel back into the boat and hopped in. It was Sirius' idea to take them out. Bonding, he told Dumbledore. Harry thought bonding meant going to an ice cream parlor in London under a disguise not hike through dead beaches to go to an unknown location. Sirius seemed to know this place like the back of his hand which confused him because Sirius was still having trouble regaining his memory of his former days. It was almost like he lived on these- Oh.

"Sirius..." Harry's voice dropped several octaves as he looked back at the sea squinting into the distance once again.

"Yeah kiddo." Sirius exclaimed brightly completely ignoring Harry's sudden change in stance.

"Why are we going to Azkaban?" He whispered. Harry looked back at Sirius innocently.

Sirius didn't know who taught him that look but it was concerning. The weight of his question didn't match his face at all.

"I- how... did you find out?" Harry innocent expression melted away his face forming into an annoyed glare.

"Why. Are. We. Going. To. Azkaban. Island?" Harry punctuated every word his worry seeping through.

"I have something I want to you to see." Sirius whispered.

"There is nothing you can show me there! It's a prison, what are we even going to do!" Concern and anger were very clear on his face now. Sirius wasn't joking anymore. It worried Harry.

"You'll see."

"I don't want to see. I want to go back. We are not going there Siri. It's dangerous. The guards are everywhere, they'll definitely know you arrived."

"Calm down, Harry. I have a plan."

"That's doesn't calm me down at all."

"Just, get in the boat." Sirius huffed as he hopped in himself. However, Harry did not. "No. I won't get in." Harry said firmly as he stood his ground. To his surprise Sirius chuckled. He really was insane. Is it too late for therapy?

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