Chapter Two

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"What?" Harry whispered, breathing in a sharp breath. He cautiously stepped forward towards the cells.

"I-how? T-this just doesn't make any sense. They are supposed to be dead. WHY ARE THEY ALIVE!?" Harry's hysterical voice echoed through the taverns. His eery wails bouncing to-and-fro before tickling your ears.

"Dumbledore." Sirius whispered tentatively. "He caused this. He lied to all of us. Especially you."

Harry's cry caused a stirring. As the two both moved closer towards the cell doors they realized the people inside were infact, awake. They blinked their bleary eyes as they squinted to look out.

"Guards?" A female inmate whispered. She was located in the left cell. There were no windows in the tavern. The only light coming from the crystals growing around the cave.

"Mom?" Harry stumbled over to her cell peering in to get a good look at her.

"Mom?" The woman in question looked confused. Before realization dawned on her face as she ran or tried to run towards the cell doors. She stumbled over as if she were a small child just learning how to walk. Her body leaned heavily against the door as she peered through to look at her son.

There hunched over on the door was Lily Potter in all her wretched glory. "Harry?" She whispered hesitantly, her eyes disbelieving.

"Y-yea, mom it's me." The tears worked their way down as he stared at each other. Harry turned around but never leaved his position against the door.

Sirius made way as he walked over to his dad. "James, long time no see." He joked as he looked at the half-dead man. A careful look at the couple revealed that they were infact rotting. Their body was covered in open wounds and lacerations. Dried fecal matter stuck to the walls and floor. Their hair was matted and destroyed. They looked like corpses and no amount of torture that Sirius endured at the too of Azkaban could ever result in this. They were deprived of everything. Everything.

"Sirius?" James whispered in disbelief. "You are alive?"

"Yes, I escaped Azkaban a few months back, until then I've been hatching a plan to get you guys back. I've brought your son with me. So you can see him. I know it's the first thing you wanted to do after coming out."

"He is alive!? My son is alive?" James questioned in shock. He pushed his face up against the bars as he squinted his eyes to get a better vision of him. Harry hesitantly moved towards his cell, he knew that his father had the same vision problem as him. James held out his hand so he could hold Harry's face, he couldn't stop the tears as he held his son for the first time in fourteen years.

"I thought you died." Lily whispered from behind Harry. He turned around to see his mother sitting against the cell doors as she looked at him with the purest form of love a mother could give.

"I thought you died." Harry spoke to both his parents. His shock rose to limits he couldn't process.

"Alright, this will hurt but it will work. Harry step back, it's time for a jailbreak." Sirius spoke as he pulled bottles and machines out of the duffel bag. "Listen, James, Lily, the moment I break open these cell doors we have little to no time to get out of here. You both will be exerted of all energy. But I need you to bear with me. You can do this, now drink this." He held out two bottles of some unknown elixir and gave them to the cellmates.

The two pulled open the stopper and drank to their heart's content. Immediately upon drinking a sudden burst of energy seemed to spark a small amount of life in them.

"Okay kiddo, get to work. Take this acid and pour over the cell lock. Be careful not to step on it though." The last sentence seemed to be directed more towards the prisoners than Harry himself. He picked up the clear glass bottle which contained a transparent liquid. Harry walked over to Lily's cell first and then poured the contents onto the lock of the door and then followed it by doing the same to James' cell door as well.

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