Chapter Five

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Narcissa and her crew long left after Harry quietly made his way out of the room for a snack. He didn't want to catch anyone's attention, he failed miserably at that.

The second he stepped out of the kitchen carrying a truckloads worth of junk food he was stopped by his werewolf godfather.

"And where do you think you are going?" He asked, arms crossed and a particularly suspicious glare. Harry smiled weakly, as if nothing was truly wrong but with his bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks said otherwise. Remus had forgone all of that and sighed softly.

"Harry..." His voice trailed of slowly as he guided Harry towards the couch and let him sit. The chips and chocolates were all put aside as Harry melted into the soft couch.
"How are you feeling?" Remus asked softly. "Are you okay?" Harry looked away to try and stop the tears again. He was tired and hungry and so frustrated. With an exhausted sigh he nodded his head to indicate that he was okay but everything about him told otherwise.

"Harry... You know you could talk to us right. We're your family. And I know this is a stressful situation for all of us but James and Lily aren't going down without a fight. If they survived fifteen years in that hellhole they can survive a few health complications." Remus pulled Harry closer to him. Ths boy curled into his side and pulled his knees upto his face.

"Are you sure?" He mumbled softly. He felt like a child. He hated this feeling but he didn't know what else to do.


"I-I just got them back. I don't want to lose them again. They already missed a large part of my life. I don't want them to miss anymore. I don't want-... I don't want to miss them anymore." Remus smiled softly as he pet Harry's hair.

"You won't have too. You won't have to worry about anything anymore. Got it." Remus murmered, just loud enough for Harry to hear. Harry nodded into his knees. He slowly unfolded himself from his postion and wiped the tears that formed in his eyes.

He picked up the food that he originally carried and walked to the steps but was stopped by Remus making a disapproving click.

"What?" Harry asked innocently knowing full well he carried enough junk to give someone a cardiovascular disease.

"I'm making dinner soon leave the food and go."

"Come on Moony!" Harry whined like a seven-year-old. Remus faltered for a second. Harry never called him Moony before and by looking at the evil grin on his face he knew what he was doing.


"Just a few." Harry begged.

"Three. Take three snacks and leave the rest." Harry nodded happily and walked into the kitchen. It was very obvious that he took more than three but oh well, when dinner came round he'd show just what exactly what he was missing on.


Dinner came around and Harry was sitting next to 'dying of hunger' Sirus at the table. Remus brought out plates of sushi and placed them in front of them. Sirius' eyes immediately lit up as he stared at the plates in delight.

"You know how to make sushi!?" Harry asked incredulously as he picked a few off the the table. Remus nodded smugly as he sat down and helped himself.

"You never told us." Sirius asked he dug in.

"You never asked." Remus said snarkily. The three ate in peace with a bit of small talk here and there. It seemed like a good day that was until Harry asked the damning question.

"So, when are we going back to Grimmauld's? You said the Weasleys were coming over." The two men stopped mid-bite and stared at Harry in disbelief. Oh, they definitely forgot. Harry's eyes widened at the revelation and all three started throwing the plates in the sink and packing the leftover sushi.

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