Chapter Seven

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Wilcon Residence

I was stunned to silence. My mouth was dry and I couldn't find it in me to form words. It was him. He was even more beautiful up close. His features were so much closer from this proximity. I thought he was perfect before, but now, I had no words to describe him.

He was dressed in a simple outfit of black jeans and a button down shirt. His hand was in his pocket and he stood leaning against a wall, his head slightly bent which gave him a sexy mysterious look as he watched me from the corner of his eyes. He lifted his head, pushing his hair back though it just fell back onto his face. His eyes scanned my face and then he traced my body with his eyes, undressing me that I felt so vulnerable as I stood before him.

Normally, that would have grossed me out, made me mad even, but when he did it, I felt happy. Nervous, but happy.

"I-I wasn't aware that I was looking for you," I replied, finally working up some courage to speak. I was trying to not show any weakness, so I tilted my chin up hoping to exude some level of confidence.

He couldn't know how he made me feel. He couldn't see me as weak.

He stopped ogling me and looked me in the eyes, his so bright, brighter than the first day I'd seen him. Perhaps that was because he was so close to me. Just a few steps away. So close that I could...

His hair was was tousled messily and yet it was perfect. It reached the middle of his neck and covered his forehead and a part of his eyebrow.

He smirked at me and I felt my knees almost give out. Thankfully, I didn't fall. It would have been so embarrassing if I had.

However, I then wondered how beauty like his was even real.

"We both know you were," he said cooly, starting to circle me like some predator about to attack its predator and if it wasn't obvious, I was the prey.

I didn't dare to move. Even my breathing had been constricted by his mere presence. I felt like I had to have his permission to inhale the same air as him. See, usually, I'd say I'm a very difficult person to intimidate, but him, without even trying, he had done it.

He was now right behind me. His body and mine were were so close that if he was in front of me, we probably could have kissed. I could feel his breath on my shoulder. Oddly enough, it was cold but I didn't mind it. I liked it even. I felt myself shiver. His hand touched my arm, gently tracing the length of it until he reached my shoulder and then touched the exposed part of my bruise.

I gasped and I felt myself get catapulted into a strange place. It was like my dream. The same place I'd been every night since I saw him. Except this time, we weren't in the water. I was standing on the grass, greener than green with dew drops on it. The water was shining sparkling, even. During the day, it was even more beautiful than at night. Overall, the view spectacular.

I looked to my side, where he was, then he faded away. I blinked, my mouth agape just to open my eyes and find myself back in the house. I spun around, but he wasn't there.

I exhaled and took in another breath. It was as if I'd been underwater. My heart rate had spiked and it felt like I'd come from those dreams of mine. For a moment, I thought I'd been dreaming, but I couldn't have been.

This was real.

He had been real.

He had actually touched me and been close to me.

If that was the case though, then what in goodness name had just happened?

"Kira! What are you doing up here?" Regina asked, well more like slurred in her drunken state.

"Oh, sorry, I g-got lost."

She nodded, quickly forgetting about it and grabbing my hand the dragging me down the stairs to the makeshift dance floor.

"Let's party!"

The loud EDM music would normally have me drinking like a crazy person to help me loosen up, but my thoughts were preoccupied with more pressing issues.

How had he made me go to that pool?

Was it real?

No way, it was all from my dream.

I was in such a state of confusion that I didn't notice it when I bumped into someone. I quickly returned to my senses and prepared to apologise, but it was then that I realised that the person had fallen to the ground and wasn't moving. In fact, everything had frozen. My brows scrunched. The music was off, the disco ball wasn't moving anymore and everyone seemed as if they'd been put on pause.

I looked around me, once again feeling someone's eyes on me. I looked up in a panic. What was going on? My head hurt. Like I was fighting off some unknown force. I closed my eyes hoping I could break free from this feeling.

"Don't fight it!" came a voice.

His voice.

But it came from inside my head.


I snapped my eyes open and suddenly everything was spinning. I grabbed onto something, a wall, which was nearby to steady myself.

Where was he?

More importantly, how was he doing this?

"Just let go!" came his voice again.

"Get out!" I yelled, "Get out of my head!"

This was all just in my mind. None of this was real. It wasn't real!

Thankfully, like someone pressed the play button, everything went back into motion.

"Kira! You okay?" Regina asked and I jumped slightly.

I looked at her and nodded ever so slowly.

I should have listened to that girl.

I shouldn't have come.

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