Chapter Ten

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We were there. At that pool I had been dreaming of for so many nights. I let out a quiet gasp as I took in the view. It was even more beautiful in person. However, I shook my head as I remembered how I had gotten here in the first place. I turned around to face him and he stood there with a pissed look on his face.

"What the hell was that?" I asked angrily, though I nearly melted when our eyes made contact, but I stood my ground, "Where am I? How am I here?" I questioned him.

I stead of answering, he moved closer to me and I moved back. I refuse to be treated like some sort of object. I may be having difficulty thinking straight lately, but that much I knew — that I wasn't and wouldn't allow myself to be objectified.

"Why do you still resist me?" he asked and his voice was even more beautiful than I remembered.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring the butterflies that had erupted inside of me, "If you come any closer, I won't hesitate to knee you where the sun doesn't shine!" I threatened when he took another step towards me which made me stumble backwards.

He cocked his head to the side as if genuinely confused by my words. However, he still looked so hot, even though he was confused. He was perfect no matter what he did. A lovesick sigh nearly left my lips but I stopped myself as he tried coming closer. I was about to move back but before I could, he grabbed my arm and let out a nearly animalistic growl.

"Enough!" he hissed lowly but menacingly, "Enough of this."

I struggled to get out of his grip which was fast becoming a bit too tight for my liking, "Stop it!" I cried out, "You're hurting me."

He didn't loosen his grip on my wrist and in fact, it got even more unrelenting that I was sure that it would bruise soon enough.

"You are mine!" he said and my brows scrunched.

Maybe my hearing had been affected too because there was no way I'd tolerate any of that talk from this guy, hot as hell or not.

"Excuse you?" I asked, laughing humourlessly, "I belong to no one!"

He brought his face closer to mine and his cool breath fanned my cheek and immediately goosebumps arose on my skin, the hair on the back of my neck standing on its ends and electricity seeming to crackle in the air around us. My breath hitched and when his nose brushed against my cheek, I turned my face towards him, wanting so badly for him to kiss me. But just when it seemed like he would, he paused, pulling away.

"Are you sure about that?" he rasped out in question, proving whatever point he wanted to prove.

He let go of my wrist and it fell on my side, hitting me on the side of my thigh which seemed to snap me out of my surprised daze. If I was lighter, I'd be red from embarrassment and I'd be flustered, in fact, I still was.

"Now that we've established that you are mine, I want you to know that if you ever resist me again, especially in front of those people, I will do much worse to you than just bruising on your hand."

"I-is that a threat?" I asked, trying to be somewhat intimidating, but failing dismally.

He looked me right in the eyes and spoke, "Yes, it is."

He didn't even deny it and that scared me. What if he really was dangerous like so many had said? At what lengths would he go to have me? Would he hurt me just to get what he wanted?

I opened and closed my mouth, failing to find words. How did someone who made fire alight from within me by simply looking at me make me want to hit him all at the same time?

I let out a frustrated groan, wanting to scream at him, at anyone and to punch something, preferably him.

"Throwing a tantrum will not help you, my little breeder."

"I am not throwing a tantrum!" I quickly defended myself, though anyone else, even myself, would beg to differ, "And what did you just call me?"

"Are you deaf?" he asked.

"I am not yours and I am not a breeder! In fact, I am nothing to you and me to you!" I yelled.

"Then why do you dream of me every night?" he asked and instantly I was silenced, failing to find a response to his question, "You already carry my mark, remember that."

I instinctively touched the large bruise that had healed but was still evident on my shoulder.

Seconds went by with him just standing there watching me with a stupid smirk on his full lips. Those seconds felt like hours and I felt so aggravated. All my frustrations from the day I got here were showing.

I just wanted to go home. Back to Chicago. With my dad and my real mum, not this new and transformed one. I wanted to go back to my old life. Where there was no possessive hot guys that everyone kept warning me about. Was that so much to ask?

"Let me say this one more time, little breeder. You. Are. Mine," he said, his face as serious as day, "I'll have my fun with you later. For now, rest up. You'll need the energy."

With that, a bright light once again flashed before my eyes and I blinked to find myself back in the cafeteria. Except, it was now empty. I was so overwhelmed with emotions that I nearly fell and grabbed onto one of the tables.

I may not have known what was going on with this place or with me, but I did know one thing, I needed to get out of here.

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