『 ♡ 』➪: 𝑯𝒐𝒘𝒅𝒚 𝑷𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒓 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓

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⋆˚『♡ 𝑨 𝑲𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒂 𝑩𝒖𝒄𝒌 ♡』⋆˚
Requested by : FarewellXO

You had recently moved into the neighborhood, in search of a new life.
You find yourself being bored just sitting in your house all day, so instead of just laying around, you decide that today will be different.


   You adjusted your accessory again, making sure it was properly in place. You had to look your best- you were new (well, actually, you'd been there over a month now, but you still felt new regardless of that), and you wanted to be presentable when you went outside. -Or did you just want to seem presentable to him? You looked at yourself in the mirror for a moment.

   The 'him' in question was Howdy Pillar, the neighborhood's friendliest and happiest shopkeeper. He was one of the first people you were introduced to when you arrived. He seemed so upbeat and energized that it almost made your head spin at first; now you just find it enduring.

   You found yourself thinking about him more and more, to the point it flustered you. It seemed people were catching onto your attraction, as Wally had made a one-off comment a few days prior (something about how you and Howdy are the cutest bunch. At first you assumed he was complimenting you but the "bunch" part made it sound more like he was pairing you with Howdy with how he said it).

   You shook your head and sighed before heading out. It was rather early, the sun had recently come up, and you could hear birds chirping off in the distance. At first, you were just walking around; past Frank's, Julie's, Sally's, ect., but when you went to pass by Howdy's Place, you stopped. You looked over at his store, and saw him already setting up. He was placing apples in a pyramid, and right as he was about to finish, it all fell.

   You found yourself walking to Howdy's door and knocking. He answered quick (you could hear his four feet pat the ground rather fast, like he was rushing to the door), and you swear you saw his eyes shine when he saw you. "Oh!" He waved with his two right hands, "Hello!" He greeted, saying your name as well. (The way he said your name made your heart flutter).

   "Hey," You said softly, "Do you need some help?" You asked slowly, looking past him and at the apples on the floor. He moved to block your view of the mess. "No no, that won't be necessary!" He said with a sheepish smile, "I don't want to take up your morning with something annoying!"

   You frowned, "It's not annoying." You said in retaliation. "Besides, don't you need to clean those now?" You asked. Howdy.. sighed and nodded, looking defeated. "Yes, I.. need to clean all of them now." He admitted. "Then I'm helping, let me in." You said with determination. You swear you saw him blush a bit before he moved to let you in.

   So, your morning was filled with you cleaning apples. For the first hour or so (you weren't sure, time wasn't really a concern), you were just cleaning the apples. You and Howdy shared conversation. You'd talk about your life back home, he'd mention one of his plentiful family members. You'd talk about your plans for the future, he'd talk about his plans for the shop (also the future, essentially). Eventually, you were on the topic of partners.

   "You ever dated anyone?" You asked, setting an apple on the table. Howdy was caught off guard for a moment by the question, his face tinted pink. "Well.. No, actually." He said, setting four apples onto the table himself. "Really?" You questioned. "Yes, really," Howdy responded, a brow raised and a slight smile on his face, "What? You think I'm dateable?"

   You hesitated to answer, "I, uh," You cleared your throat, "Maybe..?" Howdy blinked at you a few times, his attention fully on you (the apples temporarily forgotten). ".. Really?" He questioned. "Yes," You coughed out, "Yes, you're uh.. Dateable, yeah."

   The next few minutes were silent, the two of you focusing on the apples again. Once the apple pyramid was halfway done, Howdy spoke again, "I think you're dateable, too."

   You choked on air for a moment. "You do?" You asked, your voice more high pitched than you wanted it to be.

   "Yes," Howdy nodded, not making eye contact with you. You felt your face warm up, and so you covered it with your free hand (you were using the other to continue helping put up the apples).

   The rest of the set up was done in silence. Flustered silence.

   Then Howdy spoke, "Oh, I should pay you shouldn't I?" He sounded a bit worried. "You don't have to do that," You responded quickly, but he didn't budge on his idea. "No, I should pay you somehow- do you want a product? Or a discount? Or anything?" He asked. You thought for a moment.. then shook your head. "No, I, genuinely don't need anything."

   Howdy folded his arms. "Well you must want something!" He said. He then squinted and just looked at you, trying to figure out what you might want. Suddenly, he snapped his fingers and spoke, "Oh! I know,"

   He leaned over to you and kissed your cheek. "There," He said with a smile, "Now you got something, and since you said I'm dateable I think that suffices for some payment!"

   You were surprised, of course, but not at all upset. "I.. Thank you?" Your voice was high pitched, and your face had to be almost as red as the apples you and Howdy had just put on the table.

   Before this scene could get any cuter though, the apples fell. Again. You and Howdy looked at the apples, then at the door. At the door, was Wally, staring at you two.

   You and Howdy shooed him out.

𝑴𝒚 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕, 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 ( Various X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now