Chapter 1

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So, I don't know how long this story is going to be, because I write pretty long chapters, so it might be a short story (possibly not over 7 or 8 chapters). Also, it may go fast at some points because I'm so excited to write this and I want to get things going. Heh, sorry 'bout that. :) Enjoy anyway. (Also, Kian, Jc, Connor, Sam, Trevor, and Ricky and any other youtubers mentioned in this story, are not youtubers this story. They are in high school in the story.) So enjoy :)


Jc walked into school with his best friend, Kian, who he just happened to be falling in love with. It had started a little over a few weeks ago, and it's gotten so much stronger since then. He knew Kian didn't feel the same, though. He was dating someone anyway. It broke Jc's heart to see them cuddling and kissing and all Jc wanted was to do that with Kian. All they ever did was joke around with each other, Kian would occasionally say, "Kiss me." But he just laughed afterwards about it. By the tone of his voice, you knew it wasn't serious.. It hurt Jc's feelings sometimes.

But for now, Jc focused on how their shoulders occasionally touched since they were walking so close to each other. He loved Kian's touch.

"Do you think today is going to suck?" Kian asked.

Jc smiled, "Probably."

"Hey, just to let you know, me and Andrea broke up last night. I thought about calling you to just talk about it, but I kind of fell asleep before I had a chance. Sorry about that." Kian mumbled.

Well, scratch what I thought about him having a girlfriend. Jc thought. Jc's heart did leaps after Kian said, 'broke up last night.'.

"Oh, well, are you okay?" Jc asked.

"Yeah. I'm actually the one who broke up with her. I just wasn't feeling the same about her, you know?" Kian responded, looking over at Jc.

"Yeah, I get it." Jc half-smiled over at him.

"Want to come over to my house after school? My parents aren't going to be home, so we could go through their alcohol." Kian winks.

"I-I guess so." Jc stutters.

-After School-

Kian was so happy he got Jc to come over. Hopefully, he would get to play truth or dare with him. Kian had finally got enough courage to get a dare for him. He had it all planned out. The butterflies in Kian's stomach fluttered open. Kian couldn't wait. He had been dreaming about this for weeks.

Hopefully, when Kian dares him, he will hopefully do it. If he did, he would know that Jc felt the same way about him. If he didn't. . .well, it would really shatter Kian's heart. He loved Jc, if only he knew how much.

Kian waited outside the school doors until Jc came out. Jc texted his mom letting her know he was at Kian's, and they talked for the rest of the way until they got to Kian's house. Kian and Jc went up to Kian's room and dropped their bags down in a corner, and sat on Kian's bed. Kian slipped his jacket over his head. His shirt lifted up a little, showing a sliver of his stomach. Jc noticed and he instantly got butterflies in his stomach. Jc looked down at his feet, even when Kian talked to him, he didn't look at his face.

"So, what do you want to do?" Kian asked. Jc just shrugged his shoulders.

"How about truth or dare?" Kian smirked. Jc got nervous. He didn't particularity like truth or dare, but he would give it a shot.


"Okay, so truth or dare?" Kian asked.

"D-Dare." Jc said. Kian was getting nervous, he wasn't so sure if he should do it right now or not. He wanted nothing more in the world than to kiss Jc, but what if Jc backed out, and thought Kian was wierd after that? Kian finally settled that he would ask him the dare he planned out. .

"Okay. I dare you. . . to kiss me." Kian said firmly. He immediately felt his face go hot.

Jc stared at him blankly. Did he just ask what he think he asked? Jc's face was probably as red as a cherry at this point. Jc wanted to do it so badly. But, was Kian just joking with him? He wouldn't actually want him to kiss him, right? He did sound completely serious though. .

"Are you being s-serious?" Jc stuttered, as he usually did when he was nervous.

"Yeah. I am." Kian says, staring right into Jc. Jc was so excited, yet, so nervous and scared. He had been wanting this for so long, but was it really just a prank? And it was just a dare. . . Kian might not even feel the same way. It was probably just for fun to him.

"Well, are you going to do it or what?" Kian asked. Kian was starting to get nervous and scared that Jc thought he was weird and wouldn't like him anymore. Just then, Jc started to lean closer to Kian, and Kian did the same. Their lips were inches away, and Kian was starting to close his eyes, just before he completely closed them and their lips were just on the bridge of touching, Jc pulled back.

"Why-" Kian started to say, but Jc stumbled out of Kian's bedroom before he could finish, "Jc wait-"

Kian looked down at his hands. Why had he done that? He stood up to go follow him, but then he heard his front door slam shut. He sighed. He should follow Jc, just to tell him it was a joke or he didn't actually think he would do it, or some kind of lie, even though the last thing he wanted to do was lie to Jc, but, hasn't he been doing that this whole time?

He decided to follow Jc, so Kian ran out his door, looked down the street, and there was Jc running away. Kian ran after him, calling his name. "Jc! Wait! Please!"

Jc heard his shouts, but he still didn't stop running. His legs were starting to burn, but he didn't stop. He didn't even know why he pulled away from Kian. He wanted to kiss Kian so bad, but. . . He realized that he didn't want to kiss him because of a dare. He didn't want to be forced to kiss him, he wanted to kiss him because he wants to, not because of something dumb, like a dare. He wanted their kisses to mean something, not to be a joke like a dare. His legs had to finally stop, so he collapsed onto the street. He hoped Kian still wasn't following him anymore. He hadn't heard him shout his name in a long time.

"J. .c. ." He heard the voice that he really did not want to hear at the moment.

"Go. Away. Please." Jc said and kept looking forward.

"N-No. I won't. I ran all this way to follow you to make sure you're okay, and I am not going back now." Kian says and sits next to him. Jc looks in the opposite direction.

"Now please, tell me why you ran away? Were you scared? Pressured? Or did you just not want to? Please, tell me the truth." Kian asks, and Jc thought if he should tell him how he truly feels. He wanted to be truthful with Kian, but he wasn't sure if he should tell him this, right after this dare. But, after thinking about it for a little bit, he decided that he should. If Kian rejected him, then so be it. His heart would be broken but, at least Kian knew.

"K. . .Kian. . if you want to know the truth. . then. . I guess I'll tell you it. So. . a few weeks ago, I started to. . . You know what? Fuck an explanation. I'm in love with you, Kian. And that's that. If you don't feel the same, then. . then it's- it's fine. I'll be fine if you don-" Jc got interrupted by Kian's lips smashing onto his. He was so shocked that he didn't get to kiss back. Kian pulled away, and stood up and started to walk back in the direction they came.

"Maybe that answers your question if I feel the same way." Kian called back to him as he walked away.


Short chapter, I know, even though I said I would right long ones, trust me, I will. I was busy with school and all that so I didn't have a lot of time to get ideas. But, summer has started for me now, so I can write a lot more from now on. I hope that whoever is reading this is enjoying it so far. :)


Kiss me. (Jian) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now