Chapter 2

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Jc sat in the road for a long time, thinking about what had just happened. Kian had kissed him. The butterflies were going insane in his stomach. Every once an a while they would flutter super hard, and it would hurt him just for a few seconds. Jc thought about what would happen now. Would they date? He wasn't sure yet. A car horn interrupted these thoughts, and Jc walked back onto the sidewalk to go back to his house. He didn't care if his things were at Kian's. He was sure he would be returning this weekend.

Kian sat on his bed, smiling. His face had started to hurt. He had kissed Jc. The one he loved. He thought about how he wanted to kiss him more and more. He wanted to taste Jc's lips again. He thought about cuddling with Jc. He thought about kissing his neck, slipping his shirt off, seeing his bare chest. It made his stomach flutter. He wanted to go see Jc. Right now. But, he knew it probably wasn't the right time. Jc was probably thinking about a lot at the moment. Kian sighed. Today, had been a great day, hadn't it? But. . one thing still lingered in Kian's mind, Jc did confess his love for him, but he still didn't kiss back, and he did pull away when they almost did kiss in this very room. He was still doubtful if Jc loved him, or if he was just saying all that to mess with his feelings as a joke. He knew Jc wouldn't do that to him. Kian was just over-thinking it.

-Next Day-

Jc dreamed of Kian that night. He dreamt of their lips colliding again, of their bodies against each other, Kian telling Jc how much he loved him.

Jc then woke up in the middle of one of their dream-kisses. He did a small smile. He thought that he should actually try and talk to Kian today. Just to see what would happen between them now. He sat in bed, and thought again about the kiss yesterday. The butterflies in his stomach awakened, and he got a sudden craving for Kian's lips again. They were so soft, and smooth. If only he would have kissed back, he thought, how that might have changed things. Maybe Kian thought he was just kidding around, since he didn't kiss back. Those thoughts were tearing at him. He wanted Kian to know that he truly loved him, with all he could muster of himself. He needed to tell Kian that it wasn't a joke. Not now, and not ever. He decided he would go over to his house later on in the day today. He didn't know what he was going to say yet, or even what was going to happen there, Kian might not even be home today, but he had to try at least. So, that's what he was going to do.

-Later that Day-

Jc walked over to Kian's house later that day, and thought about what he was going to say on the way there. He still wasn't quite sure what was going to happen yet.

He knocked on Kian's door and waited, looking down at his shoes. Kian opened the door about a minute later.

"Jc. . what..?" Kian says.

"H-Hey, Kian." Jc stutters. Kian looked so cute today, it looked like he had just gotten out of bed, so his hair was still pretty messy. The way Jc liked it.

"You can come in. . if you would like." Kian says, and moves out of the entrance of the door. Jc walks into the familiar house, Kian directs him to the kitchen, and leans against the kitchen counter and rubs his face.

"Why did you come here?" Kian asks.

"I-I wanted to talk to you about yesterday. ." Jc responds, " I was thinking that you may have had these thoughts. . that I. . I didn't like you because I didn't kiss back, even though I said I loved you. And I just wanted to make sure you knew that I really do mean it when I say I love you, Kian. I truly do. The only reason I didn't kiss back was because I was too shocked, and I didn't have enough time to react. I also pulled away from the dare because I didn't want our first kiss to be because of a dare, a joke. I wanted it to be real, and true. That's why I pulled back. So, I just felt that you had to know that. Now, I don't know what's going to happen between us, but. . just know that I love you, Kian. Even if you might not yet."

Kian just stares at him. Kian was about to cry out in pain for how hard the butterflies are fluttering in his stomach, due to what Jc had just said.

"Jc I. . I do love you. I mean that. Every time I am around you, my heart hurts and my stomach gets so many butterflies it's insane. Like right now, it's physically hurting me by this point. All I've been wanting to do since I've started liking you, was to show you how much I loved you, and I'm still trying to figure out how. That's all I want you to know. That I love you. . if only you knew how much." Kian says to Jc and looks down at the ground.

Jc stares at Kian, just like Kian did to him. So, Kian really does love him. It makes Jc's heart hurt. Jc then decides to do something he feels it's finally the proper time to do so.

Jc gets closer to Kian, and lifts his face up with his hand, and presses his lips against Kian's. Kian kisses back, and pulls Jc closer to him. Jc suddenly can't get enough of Kian's lips. He kisses them again and again, craving for more taste. Finally, the need for air is too much for Jc's cravings, and they pull away from each other, and smile.

"A-Are we dating now?" Kian asks, and Jc smirks.

"If. . you want to, I guess?" Jc asks.

"Wow, what a hard question to answer. . I mean I don't even know what to say. . but I'll go with yes." Kian smiles at Jc, and Jc smiles back.

Kian was so happy with what had just happened. Jc came and answered all the questions he had, and kissed him too. It was the best day of his life. He didn't know what to do with himself. So, he just looked at the one he loved, and smiled.


Sorry for a super short chapter, I ran out of ideas for this chapter. Hopefully Chapter 3 will be much better. :) Thanks for all your feedback, glad to hear you guys like it. <3

Kiss me. (Jian) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now