Chapter 8

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Kian's POV

I ran into the hospital as fast as I could, and asked the nurse if I could see Jc.

"Oh, sir, I-I'm really sorry, but. . he. . Justin didn't survive the gunshot to his chest. I'm so, so sorry." 

I couldn't comprehend what she just said, "No, no, he didn't. He didn't!" My knees gave out, and I fell to the floor.

"It's not. . it's not possible, please, tell me he's still here! Please!" I whispered, mostly to myself. The nurse was now at my side, rubbing my back.

"Sir, I'm so sorry, but he died of blood loss. The doctors tried everything when they were on the ambulance,  but he died in the ambulance. I can see he meant so much to you.." 

"I-I was his b-boyfriend. . I-" I couldn't wrap my mind together, nothing I said, or even the nurse said made sense. That's when Jc's mother finally walked through the doors. One look at how I was, she knew what had happened.

"Kian-Kian please, tell me you're crying because Jc is alright? Please- Please tell me that's why!" She started crying heavily as well.

"Ma'am, I'm so so sorry, there's nothing they could do, I'm guessing he's your son? You can still see him," She pointed down to a room, "He-He's in there." Mrs. Caylen quickly walked toward it.

"Can I- Can I please go see him as well? Please.." I try to say through hiccups.

"Yes, yes, you can." I slowly stand up, the nurse helping me, then following me to the room.

I see Jc's pale face immediately. I quickly go to his side, and grab his cold, icy hand. I start to cry even more, which I thought was impossible.

"J-Jc. . wh-why. ." I can't stand to look at him anymore, so I looked down at my tear- stained pants, " I didn't say goodbye. ." I whisper mostly to myself.

"Jc. . please. ."

My mind wouldn't focus, but I could tell, that everyone in that room, was crying, and, maybe, even Jc was too.

- One Week Later -

I had barely stopped crying, even a week after Jc's death, and today, was the day I was dreading for those past seven days. 

His Funeral.

I slowly got out of my bed, and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked horrible.

My hair was a greasy mess, from not taking a shower, my eyes we're red, and puffy, and they had dark circles under them. I really didn't want to bother fixing my hair, but I knew Jc would want me to. So I did. I was supposed to speak at his funeral, but I still had no idea what to say. I slowly slipped the suit I was wearing on, and walked out of my house, without eating, as I usually did these days, and got into my car.

I took the longest ways possible to the funeral home. But eventually, I arrived there. I slowly got out of my car, and I already saw people I knew. I saw my group of friends look over at me, but I just walked past them. I didn't feel like talking to anyone today.

"Hey, Kian, wait. ." I heard Ricky say, but I ignored him and walked on. I walked into the building, and sat down at an empty chair in the back corner.

Once everyone filed in, and took their seats, the service began. It started off with Jc's mother saying some words, then more family members I recognized came up and spoke. I didn't want to pay attention to all the kind words they were saying, but, every time they mentioned Jc's name, I had to look up. 

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