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A few days passed since the Sarah incident. She stayed away from our table and especially away from Knife. I caught her staring over at us a few times, but she would quickly look away when she noticed me watching her.

She was sat next to Erin and Emerald, two of her closest friends. Knife had slept with both of them as well. He had no preference who he slept with, but he refused to sleep with redheads.

I eyed his hand that played with my hair, he was always touching my hair in some way. Whether that was to grip it and tug my head back when he thought I was being disrespectful or to gently twirl it around his fingers absently when he was the image of relaxed.

I scoffed, like Knife was ever relaxed. The man was always ready to pounce at the drop of a hat. One look from someone that he didn't like, and he would be eyeing the person up while deciding how to best torture them and when.

He wasn't as impulsive as Elliot or as violent as Kyle but he sure as hell made people crap their pants with just one look.

I leaned my head back to look up at him and waited patiently for him to look down at me.

"You're not going to do anything to the hippies or nerds are you? I saw how you were looking at them a few days ago." With Knife it was always best to get straight to the point. He didn't like people who beat around the bush or mumbled out excuses.

He cocked a brow at my question, not expecting it from me. I wasn't sure why it bothered me so much. Knife had taken down more people than I liked to think about and for doing a lot less. The hippies and nerds were not good people, but they also didn't deserve to face Knife's wrath for something small. Most people didn't but they got it anyways.

"Why?" He asked me, watching me curiously.

I shrugged and twiddled with a loose thread unravelling from my top.

"I don't know."

He made a noise at the back of his throat and the next thing I knew was his finger tilting my face towards him so he could narrow his eyes on me.

"Okay." He frowned. "Tell me the possible reason for your curiosity."

I searched his dark eyes for a hint of something. I don't know what I was looking for, what exactly it was but it wasn't there. His eyes were blank, like they usually were, but they were watching me. This was never good.

"You just... you seem to be going after a lot of people lately. It keeps escalating, I'm getting worried." I was surprised by the admission; I hadn't realised my worries until they tumbled out of my mouth but then they kept on coming. "I mean, when we were in secondary school, they were isolated incidents, you know? It was one person who would annoy you and they would have to deal with the consequences but now? It's rare if it's only one person who you set your sights on. You're unravelling faster than this stupid sweater."

I tugged on the string at the end of my top to prove my point and it unfurled in a crinkly line.

"Who says I only ever went after one person, sweetheart?" He was amused, his voice dripped with it, and it did nothing short of annoying me.

I scowled at him and jerked my chin, trying to free it from his hold but he merely tightened his hold on me. His face tightened in warning, the amusement fading slightly, so I stopped moving and waited for him to continue.

"While I appreciate your concern over my safety, which I assume is what has you worried because I know you know better than to be worried about other males, I have everything handled." He smiled and squeezed my chin almost affectionately. "I like you being worried about me, baby."

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