7. "goodbye."

76 3 0

Tw: suicide, self harm

I was so tired of everyone, i wanted to be gone, i wanted to be dead. I remembered the bottle of Fentanyl and the raizor blades i had in my bathroom drawer. What did i have to lose. Nothing. I already acomplished everything i wanted to. It couldnt be that bad, death sounded really good right now.

So i bliped into my room nearly falling over, but wait, my siblings, what would they think if i killed myself. Then i got a idea, i got some of my things. The posesions that ment alot to me. I wanted them to have them. More specificly: my umbrella academy mask, a little music tape where i put all my favorite muisic before i got lost in the apocalypse Victor caused. A small nedeedle that i would use to do my stiches. A little pocket knife that i always caryed with me. The glass eye that i still had with me for some reason. And a tiny gold chain that i had around my neck.

I took all of these items and put them in a little box, i knew that they wouldn't be much, but they were my posesions and i wanted my family to remember me when i was gone. Just like when they had things that they found in Ben's room when he died. I wanted them to know i thought of them and i loved them so much.


"Five come down for lunch!"

"One minute!" I shouted back, i was still in my 'now not so white hoddie' so i changed into a black oversised one that you couldnt even tell a human was in. I kicked the 'now not so white hoddie' under my bed.

I looked out the window leaning against the windowsill, looking at the beautiful city that was shining in the rain. I smiled to myself knowing that this would be the last time that i would see it.


I sat at my usual spot, eating the food that this time, Lila made, i had to say that it was pretty good. Chicken strips were something i really enjoyed. I liked the presence of my family, i liked the way they talked, the way they laughed, their stupid jokes. It was the thing that i would miss the most. This was one of the most normal and nice meals we have all had in a while.


I didn't bother to lock the door, they would find my lifeless body anyways.
I took the blade and inhaled sharply, i draged it across my skin multiple times on my arms. There was no room on my legs anymore. I got myself a glass od water getting ready to swallow the pills and end it all.


Five's small body on the floor, but not fully unconsious, he couldnt swallow the last 2 pills, he fyzickly couldnt feel anything, he felt numb and defencless.

And that was it, Five was laying on the floor, puke all over the floor and his mouth. "Five dinnerrrr!" This time there was no answer, "FIVE!?" Alison shouted as she made her way to Five's room, turning the knob on the bathroom door and there was a loud scream heard throughout the whole academy. Victor, Luther, Klaus, Diego and Lila all ran to where the sound was coming from. Only to find a Alison breaking down infront of  the door frame after seeing Five. Diego ran to Five, not thinking twice, fliping him over, he was still breathing.

Lila and Victor were calming Alison down. Luther was just panicking. Klaus calling a ambulance while crouching down near his 13 year old looking brother. Victor finaly letting Alison cry with Lila, Victor found raizor blades and a pill bottle not so far away from Five. He must have been in so much pain, and nobodey notised. We thought he was getting better, but no, Five was just planing his death.

Diego pulling Five up to his chest, cradeling him and holding on to the boy for dear life. Tears running down Diego's face. Klaus telling everyone it will be alright, even though he didn't belive his own words. sirens were heard a few blocks back. They weren't sure if they were far away or not, but they were on their way.


Moments later he was taken into the hospital, everyone sitting in the waiting room. Waiting for news.

At last after what seamed like forever a doctor aproached them. "Well?" Luthers hoarse voice asked. "He is stable, it will take time for him to wake up, mabe 2-4 hours. You may now enter his room." Victor grabing Five's hand and leaning against the frame of the bed, "its ok now cinco, its ok." Victor's voice breaking a little while everyone gathered around cincos bed waiting for the old man to wake up.

( Help this is so bad, i can't do drama )

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