6th G of Replace V

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The "Bad Boy" of Deceit

These are the rumours surrounding Hanamiya Makoto:

Good at basketball.

(Calm with a wide field of view, he has the wits fitting for a PG)


(He had the top score for his year level in the standardised tests from the beginning of the year)

Well-mannered and kind.

(Always humble, he has the wholehearted trust of his friends and those in years above him)

Of those who knew Hanamiya, ten out of ten would say this.

"Hanamiya's a good guy."

Even if you were to ask the people in the same basketball club, ten out of ten would...no, there was one who would tilt his head in doubt.

Imayoshi Shouichi. Hanamiya's sempai from one year above him, there is a smile hovering around this basketball club second year's mouth as he looks on in doubt.

Is Hanamiya really such a good guy?


At dusk, the gym reverberated with the sound of running on the court.

As the basketball shoes pounded on the polished floors and braked sharply without hesitation at the turnover of the ball, the floor squealed unceasingly from the friction.

Right now, there was a match-like mini-game taking place on the full court that used up the whole gym.

In the basketball club Imayoshi belongs to, a mini-game takes place at the end of every practice. The current one was the second match; Imayoshi, replaced after participating in the first match, was just entering his break.

He joined the other members sitting in the corner of the gym, watching the court intently. The second match was between teams made up of a mixture of first years and second years. You could tell from a glance that the first years that just joined this spring were going all out just to keep up with the second years' movements. Amidst them, there was just one moving around smartly, drawing attention to himself.

It's Hanamiya.

Even now, he's grasped the other team's weak point, stolen their ball, and passed it to an unmarked teammate without any hesitation.

Immediately, the teammate shot and scored.

"Nice shot!" The other members who had been watching the match like Imayoshi raised their voices together. The one who took the shot did well of course, but it was Hanamiya's passing of the ball that was truly an example of fine play. The spectating members naturally praised Hanamiya's movements as well.

"Hanamiya really is good."

"His passes are really nice, but he can take shots himself as well. That's awesome."

"Out of the first years, he's by far the best."

Listening to his yearmates' conversation, Imayoshi agreed with them in his mind. Hanamiya's expertise unmistakably stood out.

Forget about just being the best among the first years, Hanamiya probably had the ability to be counted as one of the five best players in the whole basketball club.

"If Hanamiya had played in the match, we might have won in the interleague..."

"Hey, idiot!" Another yearmate hurriedly shut up the one who had sighed out the complaint.

The one who made the verbal slip seemed to have realised his miss, looking over for where the current regulars - the ones who, more than anyone else, couldn't be allowed to hear - were with an ashen face.

Kuroko no basket eng translationsWhere stories live. Discover now