Remake i think??

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Uh okay so I was scrolling on tumblr a few hours ago and was saw something about aged up Bubble Guppies characters. Curious, i decided to look it up. Surprisingly, on Nick Jr's official Facebook page, I found it. It was posted in 2021, the caption read "Picture this: the year is 2031, the Bubble Guppies are in their teen years, and Mr. Grouper is their high school teacher 💙"

It was super cute so I wanted to redraw it in my own style. Since I need to practice drawing people anyway, I decided to do it.

It took WAY longer than I expected tbh.

Also it's kinda garbage trash because I'm tired

Anyway, here's the results!

Anyway, here's the results!Original:

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Anyway, I added a bit of creative touch and gave them slight redesigns

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Anyway, I added a bit of creative touch and gave them slight redesigns. I also added what species I think they'd be. Let's start with Bubble Puppy, going in the order I drew them in.

Bubble Puppy:
Since this takes (most likely) 10 or so years into the future, Bubble Puppy is really old. I gave him some grey fur around his nose and on his chin because of it. Other than that, nothing has changed about him.

I headcanon Molly as a Blacktip shark, hence why her tail has black on the tips. I also gave her sharper teeth since she's a shark.

Gil is a Opaleye fish, other than that nothing much changed. Though, I feel like at some point in his life he got a buzz-cut, but then grew it out back into a cowlick, which is why his hair looks like that.

I hate how I designed Goby tbh, I did him so dirty. But anywizzle! In this, Goby is a Purple Pseudochromis, since his tail is purple. That's all for him.

Oona is a Purple Chromis because they're so cute!! She probably only got her ears pierced because Molly didn't want to be alone. Also, some time during middle school she cut her hair by herself because it was "to long", as she said. It never grew out, but she doesn't mind.

The best designed after Molly, most definitely. Deema is a Clown Fish! She looks like the type to love going out and partying whenever she can. Very much a social butterfly. (Just realized I forgot her bracelets and earrings in the redesign but it's to late for that.)

The best boy, Nonny. He's a Flying Fish, since he likes birds a lot. That's really it, nothing else.

And lastly, Zooli, as a Purple Moscow Guppy. Also not much to say about her, other than I've just realized she wears a one-piece like Oona.

Anywizzle, that's it!! Took a total of 6 hours and 26 minutes, but it's done.

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