paw patrol hc lolz

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Yeah you ready right, even more paw patrol. I swear at this point I might just make a book dedicated to paw patrol stuff. But anyway!!

I headcanon that Ryder has a fear of elevators. And yes ik like 70% of the lookout is basically an elevator, but I'm talking about a specific elevator. Those very unstable feeling elevators that are quite small, Yknow? Like the one in the movie. The lookout elevator is big so at most it may make him slightly nervous to be inside.

Like I don't know about you guys, but if I had to go up a super tall and unstable BROKEN elevator to save my enemy's butt, and THEN the elevators caves in and basically crushes me... i'd be a bit scared of elevators too (doesn't help that I'm already scared of them though-)! This is kinda stupid but whatevs

Ima need Nickelodeon do stop trying to kill children, thanks

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