Puppet's Identity Crisis

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I talked about how Foxy was trigender and pansexual in a chapter not long ago, so now it's Puppet's turn! I don't have much to say about him, since there's I literally just saw a whole compilation on tiktok about how he's said that he's a girl, or just said that it didn't matter (I'll have the video linked at the bottom of the chapter).

Also he's dated FT Foxy, and has hit on him multiple times after their break up.  He also liked Ballora but I don't think they ever got together.

So based off the information, I'd say that Puppet is simply Non-Binary & Biromantic. Any Pronouns, preferred he/him.
(I actually can't decide if I hc him as Genderfluid of Non-binary, but for now it's just NB 😭)

Gun warning lolz

Gun warning lolz

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