Pt. 3 1/2 : An Unfamilar Land

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Again, how long have I been out? I almost couldn't feel anything but pain as my conscience started to return. The first thing I thought, as I stayed perfectly limp to avoid making my muscles scream, was how my face was laying on some sort of grain particle. Rice???? No— Sand… I might have crashed on a beach or something-

"Wake up!" A worried voice boomed in my awakened ears. *Please tell me I'm just asking up from a realistic vision or having some sort of maladaptive daydreaming—*

"Ohhh… Do wake up, won't you?" The voice said again, almost like it was his first time seeing a person unconscious. He doesn't sound like anyone I know. Probably a new doctor.

"Are you alive, my girl?!" Another holler. I moved, wincing softly as my face scrunched up. My right hand immediately went to cover the Scar on my left eye in habit, carefully wiping off any sand and keeping it covered. Then I used my other reaching hand to push myself from the ground as much as I could.

Despite the pain, I forced my eyes open once I got all the sand off my face. Slowly, but surely, I caught a faint glimpse of three familiar pokemon. The one on the far left was a Cyndaquil, The one on the far right with the yellow shell was an Oshawott, and Rowlett was in the middle with its leafy bow tie. I could see black leather shoes behind the three, but my neck strained so much from how much I was able to move. But the more I struggled against my muscles to look, I noticed the lab coat.

The first I remembered when I saw the lab coat was the second antagonist from my world, also identified as the first one's father: the Mad King. He was a mad scientist who liked to break people with their worst nightmares and this weird chemical he made called "Insanitite". Thinking it was him, I held my free hand out in surprise, still covering my Scar with the other. Adrenaline shot what was left of my body up from the sand and scooching light back. I was trying to defend myself with a fireball, but nothing came out of my free palm.

"???" I got confused but then recalled that my marks were sealed away. My marks? I looked at the back of my hands, only to see them gone. Nowhere to be found. I looked back to the figure, only to see it was not *him*. It was a lightly tanned man of some sort with short facial hair and a purple winter hat. Pokemon Professor judging by how he was dressed. He looked very panicky in my eyes. The three pokemon looked at me curiously.

"...." I remained weary, slowly calming down from my adrenaline shock. The pain returned within seconds, but with the adrenaline, it wasn't as bad. Carefully I extended my free palm.

"Um… Can you, perhaps, help me up?" I mumbled with strained hesitance, unsure if he understood my time's English. Only for the uncertainty to answer me when he understood my gesture with my hand. He helped me off the ground and stood back afterward. I stood still for a moment before looking around. The beach was small but spacious, only having a small dock and a shed with some barrels and a wheeled contraption I don't recognize. I felt light, meaning I must've dropped my stuff when I fell. I was in a panic, but not to the point where I couldn't control my expression.

I looked back at the stranger, watching him cross his arms and him expressing relief.

"You gave me quite the shock, falling from the sky like that… But thank goodness, you seemed unharmed!"

Knowing I had encountered "Arceus", I'm assuming I am *somewhere* in Ancient Sinnoh. So the location question doesn't need to be questioned. The only concern I have is who in the blazing fireballs is this dude. But either way, he's going to have to introduce himself at his own pace.

"Okay… Where, exactly, am I, sir?" I spoke carefully, trying to sound suspicious at all.

"Why, this is Prelude Beach, of course. Dear me, did the shock of your fall somehow addle your memory?" He looked very concerned.

If I was in Legends of Arceus [Series]Where stories live. Discover now