Pt 4 1/3: Wary Strangers, But Meaning Well

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Before long, we were walking. And I had stopped to look up at the black swirl in the corner of my vision. There was a portal, or rift, of some sorts with elegantly cracked white stars and small lighting coming out of it. I'm assuming that's where I fell from. As I stared at it a moment longer I remembered the light-composed silhouette of the "Arceus dude.

"...." I started walking again, tearing my attention away from the one thing that brought me here.

Step by step, small talk by small talk, Laventon and I had arrived at these gates that looked… I'm going to have to say oriental. They reminded me of my favorite martial arts cartoon. The only thing I see wrong with it, however, was the fact the fences beside it aren't high or long enough to fully protect them. If they are really scared of Pokémon, they would've recalled that some Pokémon can climb and destroy parts of the ground. Then, we stopped, and Laventon talked to the guards. I blanked out when staring at the fences in confusion. It is not my place to mention it however. Until I saw a blob behind the tree at the right side of the gate. I parted from Laventon to see what it was, grabbing confusion and glances of suspension from him and the guardsmen. I picked up the blob, and it turned out to be my duffle bag.

".... Found my stuff." I held it close with my free hand, feeling safer once I remembered I had lost it during the fall. "Sorry, guys. I found my bag of belongings." I spoke up as I walked back to Laventon, who mentioned how he's never seen a bag like that before. The guards seemed to look like they hadn't seen the bag fall. Probably thought it was a Pokémon, because they were so uptight and tense it was sickening to me from a glance.

"This young lady was of great assistance to me and my Pokémon, so I hope you'll forgive my bringing her into the village for a bit!" Laventon was quick to excuse me grabbing an unusual bag and my presence. The guard to the right nodded, and let us in with a weary expression. I couldn't blame them. If they saw what I really look like, well, they would be traumatized I guess. Walking through the gateway, I stopped once more to look around. The village seemed to be too small to be one, but it looked homey nonetheless. There were children playing in one corner, women and men working the next; the guardsmen and women that wore similar clothes to the guards at the gate were either patrolling or training, and everyone else were chattering among themselves.

"This way, if you please!" Laventon's voice cut off my process, turning my attention to him as he started to walk ahead. I caught up to him at a slightly slower pace, remaining calm with a nervous smile. Are these people as welcoming as the professor is? Or are they equally as weary as me and the guardsmen were? I couldn't tell in the first few steps, nonchalantly studying everyone's body gestures when looking at me.

As Laventon talked about some "Galaxy Expedition Team" and the village in general, my ears caught the sounds of people whispering to themselves about me. My vision seemed to have turned into a soft pink hue as I heard their comments clearly. I felt their emotions stronger through what I saw and heard. Some children were curious, others were commenting on my "unusual" clothes (mostly negative comments). Again, I couldn't blame them. I didn't even realize I was seeing everything in pink until Laventon spoke up.

"Oh botheration! I'd almost forgotten!" I looked back to him, noticing his coat looked like salmon. I had to hook the straps of my bag by my elbow to rub my eye. And soon after I had done that, the pink-ness was gone. *Magic, so soon? I thought it wasn't until I got home that you would act up???*

"Hm???" I hummed.

"I need to go and report that we successfully recovered the escaped Pokémon! Might I ask for you to wait for me at the canteen?" *You have a canteen shaped building?* I thought randomly. Laventon turned to where I saw a bridge. "It's just past this bridge here, then to the left. The Wallflower, it's called!" I noticed the tapestry Luke sign next to the building. It was in a language I can barely understand.

If I was in Legends of Arceus [Series]Where stories live. Discover now