After Date [1/1]

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A/N: I'm back and this is my first smut, as an apology. Enjoy bitches.



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There are no words coming from both you and Harry as he drives at an almost full speed on a nearly empty road. It is almost eleven in the night, hence his reckless driving.

You refuse to talk first because your pride never lets you. Unfortunately, Harry's the same. Both of you have unwavering pride and this is one thing that is dangerous when it clashes. Time will only tell who will bend first... but it won't be you.

When the car stopped in front of your condominium building, you do not think twice and let yourself get out. You never look back and wait for him, the clicking sound of your heels were the only noise that can be heard. The guard greets you and opens the glass doors. You give him a nod as thanks.

You can hear Harry following a few steps behind you. Clicking the up arrow button, you wait for the elevator doors to open. You can feel his presence on your back and you refuse to let yourself get affected.

The second the doors open, you walk in and you somehow see his emotionless face for a quick second. He taps the highest floor button and you took a step on the left to give him space or rather give yourself some space. You know you are acting childish, but he took it too far tonight. You roll your eyes because this is really an irritating situation.

You can feel his eyes burning at the back of your head but you do not care, and will not care.

When the elevator doors open, you walk out as fast as you went in. You think you hear him sigh, and that irritates you more.

Angrily tapping the passcode on your door lock and slamming it open, you refrain yourself from locking him outside. You go straight to your bedroom, and remove your heels. You feel itchy because of your bodycon dress and you want to remove the makeup on your face.

You can see Harry on your peripheral, entering the bedroom and leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed, staring at you. If you were not mad, you would comment on how good he looks, then he would probably give you a dimpled smirk. However, that's not the case right now.

You do not look at him or even give him a glance, but instead sits in front of your vanity to remove your makeup.

"Are you really the one who's mad?"

You didn't expect him to say those words... well, you did, but not with him saying it lightly with a  smirk on his face. You thought he was mad, too.

You refuse to answer and throw the makeup wipes on the small garbage can under your vanity. While removing all your jewelries, you hear him walk closer to you causing your heart to started thumping fast. You can see him in the mirror and... damn, he really looks good. Do not meet his eyes, Y/N. Do not. It's a trap.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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