Cinderella and the Three Princes (Chapter I)

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"Y/N!" My step-mom yelled from the living room.

I dropped my pencil on the study table and immediately jogged outside my room. "Yes?"

She was wearing a silk violet dress with a three inches heels along with a scarf around her neck. Her lashes were filled with thick layers of mascara and her brows were filled too thin for my liking.

She crossed her arms and tapped her foot on the tiled floor, glaring at me. "Why are the dishes still here? Aren't you suppose to wash them an hour ago?"

Her voice made me cringe but I refrained myself to talk back since that would make everything worse. My patience is as thin as ice in my situation right now.

I opened my mouth, glancing at the sink. "I'm sorry." I looked down. "I'm going to wash them now." I walked to the kitchen and quickly grabbed the dish cloth and turning the faucet on.

"Please do." She said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes. "Jhenesis!" She called sweetly to my older half sister. "Baby? Come on, we will be going out."

I heard a door opening, followed by my sister's voice. "I'am ready, mother!"

I looked back a bit, seeing her wearing a short-sleeved blue dress. It's winter. Why is she wearing a dress? Why are they both wearing a dress? Her face was filled with makeup but unlike her mother, she did her brows pretty well.

She seemed to notice my stare because her eyes met mine. I quickly looked back at the dishes, continuing my job and cursing at myself because she caught me.

"Aww. What are you looking at, Y/N? Jealous?" She asked but I didn't answer. "We will be gone for the day. Make sure to keep the house clean, okay? Because if not, you know what will happen." I can see the very-fake smile plastered on her face.

I heard the front door opening and felt the cold gust of wind coming inside the house. I heard someone behind me and suddenly, my hair is being pulled down roughly.

"I'm talking to you, bitch." said my older sister, not letting go of my hair in a ponytail.

"Yes." I gasped, wanting to scream and do exactly the same to her.

She let go of my hair and scoffed then they left.

I sighed and closed my eyes, leaning at the sink.

I think I'm encountering the possibly worst life right now. I hate how they treated me as a maid in this household. If my dad was here, they would have left me alone but he's not and that's the problem.

My step mom is the worst of all. She would always make me suffer here and there then my step-sister would make everything worse. They are both like the daughters of Satan.

If only I can get out of here. If only I have the money. It would be easier for me.

I took a deep breathe and opened my eyes, trying to stay positive. You can do this, Y/N. They're your family. There's people out there that has worse life than what you're living right now.

So I continue doing the dishes with an empty mind.


Harry's POV

"Mate, seriously. You need to go there." My friend, Luke said.

We are sitting around a table, beers and glasses everywhere with soft music in the background.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not going to my grandpa's wedding, alright? Because, first. How old is he? Second, the one he's going to marry has the same age to my mother! And lastly, this is his fifth wedding already. I'm-" I stopped talking, an idea popping in my mind.

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