Cinderella and the Three Princes (Chapter V)

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"It is you!" Louis beamed then he frowned realizing my situation, "What happened? What are you doing here?" Then his eyes flickered on my suitcase. "... with a suitcase?"

I am glad. I am glad to see someone I know.

Letting out an exhale once again, "I ran away."

"Well, duh. It looks like it." He exclaimed. "Why?"

A strong cold wind suddenly pass by making me gasp. Shit, it's cold.

Louis was quick to notice, "Let's not talk here. I don't wanna be the reason why you freeze to death." He grabs my suitcase and look at me, "You okay?"

I nod, not letting out a word. He pulls my suitcase with him while I follow closely behind. He leads me to his car, I can't tell what car it is because of the snow, and opens the door for me. I didn't hesitate to get in and rub my arms to create some warmth.

The inside of his car was nice. Everything was black except the seats, they are white with gold outlines. It's beautiful.

He places my suitcase in the trunk then jogs towards the driver seat letting out a loud exhale, "Why the fuck is it so cold today, jesus." He turns the engine on and looks at me. "Now, why are you outside that cafe with a suitcase?"

I chuckle tiredly, "My family threw me out and I don't have anywhere to go."

"I see." He mumbles and starts driving. "Good thing I recognize you. I almost didn't but you were in front of my favorite cafe and I just have to look. Good thing I did."

I nod, "Thank you."

It's quiet after that. Closing my eyes, I try to relax. I listen to the sound of car horns outside and the busy street of London. It's peaceful for a few minutes then Louis speaks.

"What happened with you and Harry?" I open my eyes when I hear his name. "You disappeard after the wedding. Niall and I were worried. We saw you both walk outside but Harry came back alone."

Did Harry told them that he just hired me? I'm afraid to speak words I shouldn't say. They would hate me if they knew that I came for money.

My silence made Louis snicker, "He told us everything. He's an asshole, I know but that's just who he is. He's a dick for letting you out that night alone though." He notes and makes a quick turn.

I don't recognize my surrounding but there are trees everywhere. We are far from the city and that worries me. Where will he take me?

"Where are we going?" I ask, looking around.

"To our house." Our. He makes a turn on the left and next thing I know, we are in front of a tall black gate. I don't know what Louis did but the gates open itself, the sound making goosebumps appear on my skin. Then he continue driving again, "You should kick Harry's arse for leaving you alone that night." He chuckles. "And for... not giving you the money he promised."

That's what I plan to do when I see him.

He makes another turn, my eyes catching a mansion from a far. Oh my god.

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