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As Jasper came sprinting towards me, I braced myself for the impact of his fury. I expected a punch or some form of a violent outburst, but to my surprise, it never came. Instead, Jasper reached me and, with an unexpected tenderness, enveloped me in a hug. The warmth of the embrace took me aback and confused me, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief amidst the chaos.
"You idiot, why don't you ever listen?" The fury in his voice and on his face just moments ago had morphed into an almost palpable wave of relief and pure brotherly affection. Maybe it was because I saved Bella?
I didn't answer. I almost couldn't. I was frozen, in his arms, as he held me.
It had been way too goddamn long, since I've had someone hold me like this. It reminded me of my parents, and how I'll finally get to feel their touch again after leaving this awful place. I sniffed, and settled into his warmth, when he suddenly pulled away.
"Dude, you're burning up." He grunted, placing a hand over my forehead. I grunted and smacked his hand away.
"Same with Bella." Pearl sighed as she walked up to us, pulling Bella along.
"I'm fine, I promise!!" Bella insisted as Jasper began taking his coat off and slumping it over my head.
"I don't need your help, go away..." I muttered, crossing my arms. My head was pounding like crazy, and all I wanted to do was go inside and bury myself in the sheets of the bed. I took the coat and stepped forward to hand it back over to Jasper, but found myself blacking out instead.
"Ohh Graaaaaay! Wakey wakey!"
I groaned, turning over in my bed as the annoying voice continued to invade my peaceful slumber. I opened my eyes and saw Artemis grinning at me, hovering just over my face. Blinking away the sleep, I noticed that I was tucked in comfortably back in the bed of our dorm room, and the morning sunlight was streaming through the partially opened curtains.
"Finally! You're awake!" Artemis chanted, shaking my shoulder. "You've been sleeping for the whole day, come on!"
I let out a tired yawn and slowly turned my gaze away from him. "Go away." I managed to grunt out through my exhaustion.
"But I brought soup!" Artemis whined, nudging me. I heard a quick shuffle and footsteps walking away, before they quickly came back. "I just went down to get it, it's still hot!"