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Now what the hell was all that about? We went in there hoping we could save a poor child from getting his ass kicked by school authorities, but came out empty-handed?
I mean, I never really bothered about kids getting punished here. It happens all the time. But this situation somehow reminds me a whole lot of what happened to Grayson over here. Or at least, what I was told. I brushed the entire situation off my shoulder, though. Thinking about that had me full of regret, and wishing I could have been there for him.
I stole a glance at the messy silver head that walked beside me now, partly in a conversation with Bella, who skipped alongside him and had begun to talk about everything and nothing.
"I wonder why the headmaster held Artemis back!" I heard her say as I began eavesdropping on their conversation.
"He probably did something stupid, like eat his homework in the hopes of getting smarter." Gray groaned. "I wouldn't be too concerned. He's always getting in trouble with his teachers for one thing after the other."
I shook my head in disbelief, shoving my hands into my pockets as we made our way back to the dorms. Maybe it was for something little, but I still couldn't shake the feeling that Artemis was no good. The way he clings around Gray made me wonder if the kid's got some ulterior motive. And the fact that Gray's so... So comfortable with it too! It's unbelievable!
"Well, see you guys tomorrow then!" Bella's voice once again broke my train of thought, and I looked up from the ground to watch the twins walk away from me and Gray, leaving us alone at the stone steps of the dorm.
"Are you gonna wait for Artemis?" I asked without meeting his eyes as I made my way to the door.
"Tch, he can come on his own." He spoke as I heard the sound of his footsteps following closely behind me. The silence became so loud as we made our way up the stairs, but I really couldn't think of anything to talk about. The realization kinda hurt, if I'm gonna be honest. It made me think of the times when our conversations would be endless, so much that we would spend many sleepless nights simply chatting away about the most random things. I shook it off and let my mind wander, and was brought back to the kid from before.
"I wonder what they'll do with the guy." I muttered under my breath.
"It's hopeless. I just can't believe I bothered to try." Gray's voice was dangerously close, it made me jump. He seemed to be walking closer to me than I thought, not necessarily behind me but not beside me either.