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I looked at Artemis- Well, at the person who used to be Artemis. He wasn't Artemis anymore.
I looked to the three others that stood in the room, there to watch the show unfold. They had these amused looks on their faces.
To them, this was just childsplay, they've seen this a million times. To us, these were our last breathing moments.
My eyes glided downwards, to the knife that was directed right towards my chest. I then looked back at Artemis, whose eyes never left my face.
"Hey, before this," I grunted, flicking my eyes downwards to gesture towards the knife. "I need you to forgive me, kay? I know I promised that no matter what version of Artemis it was, I'd love him no matter what because he was Artemis. But this? That's not the Artemis I know."
His eyes changed, and he looked confused, momentarily hurt.
This was my chance. I leapt back, and then dashed to the side, right towards his seemingly older brother, using my leg to kick the gun out of his outstretched hand. I leapt for the gun with confidence, knowing that there wasn't going to be an immediate threat from our beloved spectators. The white haired man's pockets didn't look like they held anything, and his jacket was buttoned up, so he wouldn't be able to pull anything out immediately.
It was now in my hand, but could I really point it at the one person who changed my life forever? The one light that reached out to me when I was going through some of the darkest years of my life?
I don't think I could- I didn't even consider it at that moment.
Suddenly, I met Crimson's gaze. He was staring right at me, and I knew exactly what he wanted me to do.
I spun around before anyone could react, and shot at the white haired man's leg, and sprung past him, aiming a blow right at the headmaster's face with the back of the gun. Finally, I've been planning this since forever. He deserves it, the bastard.
I aimed for his belt, where a certain set of keys hung on a chain. I grabbed it and yanked it into my hand, using my foot to kick away his assistant, who tried to get me away from him by landing a punch at my face.
Immediately, I jumped back with the keys in hand and used the gun to pull up the hem of my shirt and wiped the blood off my lip.
I turned and suddenly saw that Artemis was now holding a gun towards me.