𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝔀𝓸

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The Woman of the Waves, a spirit-free,a bridge between two worlds, it would seem.Her story is one of strength and grace, a tribute to the beauty of two cultures and their embrace. Her mother taught her of the land, her father of the ways of man.But it was the sea that gave her life, and kept her heart beating through strife.

Diana now spends her days stuck on dry land, serving as a hand-maiden to the governor's daughter. She is a few years older than Elizabeth and thus finds herself constantly looking after the young girl, especially when it comes to the Turner boy.

Diana isn't necessarily fond of Will but tolerates him for Elizabeth's sake. She can see how they look at one another, and it's the exact same way she looks at the sea.

Over the years, Elizabeth trusts Diana more and more, viewing her as an older sister above all else. After her 18th birthday, it becomes increasingly evident that Elizabeth is a woman, which prompts her father to begin entertaining the idea of marriage, though Diana greatly protests.

Diana speaks up when she can and has had a hard time remembering her place. While she's thankful for the governor's hospitality, she cannot ignore the hardened glares of the people within the town. They look down upon her as if she's an unworthy being. And it's all for one very simple, yet unfortunate truth.

The people of Port Royal have fair complexions, whereas Diana does not. Her golden skin makes her stand out, in ways less than friendly. She's treated with only a handful of respect, given her position with the governor, but is still given side-eyes and glares as she walks through the town.

 She's treated with only a handful of respect, given her position with the governor, but is still given side-eyes and glares as she walks through the town

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It's something she tries to ignore. She tries to make herself smaller and less visible, but all attempts are unsuccessful. Diana is a tall and strikingly beautiful woman and thus is impossible not to look at.

Elizabeth is only slightly aware of the reality that Diana faces, for Diana never tells her the whole of it. She sits with Elizabeth and listens to the young girl talk, but barely shares her own life experiences. She keeps it buried deep down inside, for even the thought of her mother and everything she has lost is enough to break her heart. She'll brush the young girl's hair and swallow her pride along with her tears. She pushes everything down so as to not ruin the blessing she was given.

But Diana has never been truly content in the town. She longs for the sea and is painfully reminded that she is stuck every time she looks at the horizon. She feels the wind against her face and the salty air in her lungs, and yet it's not enough.

It will never be enough.

" What do you know about pirates?" Elizabeth ponders as her hand-maiden helps her get dressed.

" Pirates?" Diana repeats as she buttons up the dress, " Strange people. The sea is their home, though they tend to frequent the isle of Tortuga if I'm not mistaken. Why do you ask?"

" Just curious," Elizabeth shrugs.

" Well, you know what they say," Diana starts as she meets Elizabeth's eyes through the mirror, " Don't talk about pirates."

" Surely they can't all be bad," Elizabeth states as she turns around.

" They're not all bad," Diana affirms as she looks down at the girl, " But they're illegal."

Diana has never been able to understand Elizabeth's interest in pirates. Though she's no stranger to the crowd, Diana knows just how dangerous they are, considering even uttering the word 'pirate' could lead to a death sentence.

But Elizabeth has no fear in that regard. She's the governor's daughter and consequences mean very little to her. She's a smart and cunning woman, stuck in a world that doesn't value her, as is Diana stuck in a world that would have her people eradicated from existence. She sometimes daydreams about setting sail again and perhaps visiting the land her mother came from... if only she knew where that land was.

And still, every time they cross paths, Will tries to win her over. He is always kind and caring to Diana, in hopes that maybe she will like him enough that she will begin to trust him. He knows how protective Diana has grown over the young Swann girl. Despite having known Elizabeth since they were children, Will still feels the need to win over the closest friend of the girl he's loved for ages. He will never deny his feelings for Elizabeth, no matter how star-crossed they may be.

Will may not be a favorite of the woman of the waves, but another definitely takes the spot as her least favorite being.

Captain James Norrington.

She despises the man, in nearly every regard. Yet he truly doesn't care. He doesn't care about her in any sense, for he doesn't believe she matters. He simply ignores her, even as he proposes a marriage to Elizabeth's father, one that will bind James and Elizabeth together forever.

It's kept under wraps, at least until after Elizabeth turns 19. Diana herself has grown to be 25 and is certainly no fool. She knows that the Captain is hiding something, yet cannot figure out what it is. He never acknowledges her existence, not even when she's in the same room.

To him, she's nothing.

And that sentiment will be carried over for as long as he can figure, even on the day he plans to announce his proposal to Elizabeth... which also happens to be the day that a pirate shows up on the docks of Port Royal, in which he bribes the dockmaster to forget his name.

" Welcome to Port Royal, Mr.Smith."

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