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Alas, it is Jack of whom takes Elizabeth's place. The governor's daughter is brought to the ship safe and sound, and the crew abides by the code. They leave Jack on the island with Barbossa and his crew as Diana leads the voyage to sail off. She wraps her coat around Elizabeth's shoulders to ensure she doesn't get cold, a gesture that earns a hardened gaze from the young Turner.

" Relax, William," Diana insists from the helm, " I have no interest in Elizabeth. She is like a sister to me."

" Then who do you have interest in?" Will asks out of curiosity, " I've never known you to talk about love."

" That is because I do not wish to be in love," She utters, " Why would I want to give myself a broken heart?"

Will studies her for a moment, sensing the pain hidden beneath her bravado.

"Love can be complicated, I won't deny that," He admits, "But it can also bring immense joy and connection. There's something beautiful about sharing your life with someone, even if it comes with its challenges."

Diana's grip on the helm tightens, her gaze distant as she reflects on her past.

"I've seen what love can do," She replies, her voice tinged with bitterness, "I've seen it consume people, turn them into shadows of their former selves. Love can be a weakness, a vulnerability that others can exploit."

Will leans against the railing, his eyes filled with empathy.

"It's true that love can be a double-edged sword," He says, "But it's also a source of strength. When you truly love someone, you're willing to fight for them, to make sacrifices, to be better for them."

Diana remains silent for a moment, her thoughts a tumultuous sea of emotions.

"Perhaps," She concedes quietly, "But I've always believed in relying on myself, on my own strength. Love can make people blind to the truth, and I can't afford to lose sight of what's important."

Will nods understandingly.

"You've had to be strong to survive," He acknowledges, "But that doesn't mean you have to shut yourself off from the possibility of love forever. "

As night falls and spreads through the skies, Diana stays on the helm, bathing in the moonlight as she listens to the sounds of the waves crashing against the wooden ship. She inhales the salty air with a smile on her lips, a rarity as of late.

Truth be told, the sea was her first and true love. She couldn't love another as much as she does the sea.

But as morning comes, the Pearl begins to close in on the Interceptor, making Diana snap into the role of a Captain and she begins shouting out orders to a crew, a crew that believes the superstitions of women not belonging out on the sea.

"Clear the decks! Trim the sails!" Diana commands, her voice carrying over the deck, " Lighten the ship, stern to stern!"

" Anything we can afford to lose, see that it's lost!" Gibs adds as if to show that he's warming up to the Native woman.

The Interceptor, renowned as the fastest ship in the Caribbean, appears to be their only chance to outrun the relentless Black Pearl. With the help of Anamaria and Elizabeth, Diana is able to execute the plan with near perfection. The ships sail parallel to one another, the crews sneering and jesting before the captains prepare to give their deadly orders.

"Fire!" The single word cuts through the tension like a crack of thunder, signaling the commencement of the harrowing battle. The crews unleash their arsenal, cannons roaring, and pistols blazing, the air thick with the acrid scent of gunpowder.

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