𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓼𝓲𝔁

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The sailing goes smoothing, thanks to Jack and Diana, who are more than familiar with the ways of a ship, whereas Will still struggles, having to be instructed on what to do. He sharpens his blade as he shares his life story with the pirate, while Diana sits at the bow, closing her eyes, breathing in the salt, and feeling the sun beat down on her face. She's in a state of pure bliss, up until she hears a faint scream coming from the stern, where she turns to see Will hanging on to one of the sails.

" As long as you're just hanging there, pay attention," Jack starts as he picks up the boy's sword and Diana approaches, " The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can't do. For instance, you can accept that your father was a pirate and a good man or you can't. But a pirate in your blood, so you'll have to square with that someday," then turns his head to the woman, " No arguments, love?"

" I'm half-tempted to have him drown," Diana admits as she crosses her arms, " But I can't do that to Elizabeth," her eyes then meet his gaze, " Bring him back on board."

The pirate flashes her a smile, before he turns the helm to bring the Turner boy back on the wooden planks, where he falls at their feet.

" Can you sail under the command of a pirate?" Jack questions as he holds the sword at the boy's throat, then flips it to hand it over, " Or can you not?"

" I can sail under Diana's command. Not yours," Will states as he accepts the sword, " What's our heading?"

" Tortuga?" Diana questions.

" Tortuga," Jack affirms.

And to the drunken, slimy, flea-ridden pirate colony of Tortuga they go, of which Diana has not stepped foot in quite some time. The air smells of piss and booze, but it's oddly charming to the woman, who sniffs the air with a smile while Will nearly has to plug his nose. Gunshots are heard all around, as are the screams of drunk men and angry women.

" What do you think?" Jack asks as they pass by a man covered in rum.

" It'll linger," Will surmises.

" If every town in the world were like this, no man would ever feel unwanted," The pirate states, earning an eye roll from Diana as he moves on to address a familiar woman, only to earn a slap to the face, " Not sure I deserved that one," followed by another slap from another woman, "I may have deserved that"

" Quite well deserved, if I say so myself," Diana adds.

The pirate continues leading them through the god-forsaken island, where Jack finds his first mate lying in a pigsty and is wakened by a bucket of water, where he is rightfully upset, but not for long because the moment he gets a pint in his hands, all is forgiven.

" Now, what's this venture of yours entale?" Gibbs asks, his eyes darting over to the woman, before he leans in closer to his Captain, " Should she be part of this?"

" Now, what's this venture of yours entale?" Gibbs asks, his eyes darting over to the woman, before he leans in closer to his Captain, " Should she be part of this?"

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