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The stench of smoke fills the air and their lungs as Jack and Diana are awakened by a fire, lit by Elizabeth, and with it goes all their rum. Diana ignores the fact that she woke up cuddled next to Jack, and instead springs into action to ensure Elizabeth's safety.

" What happened?!" Diana exclaims as she checks the young girl for any sign of harm.

" It's a signal," Elizabeth states, " One that will bring us home."

" You set the fire?" Diana asks, " You could have gotten hurt!"

" I am fine."

" The rum!" Jack exclaims as he flails about, " The rum, where is the rum?"

" Gone," Elizabeth says.

" Why is the rum gone?"

" One, because it is a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into scoundrals. Two, that signal is over a thousand feet high. The entire Royal Navy is out looking for me. Do you really think there is the slightest chance they won't see it?"

" But why is the rum gone?"

Diana rolls her eyes and Elizabeth turns to face the sea and plops down on the sand. Jack pulls out his pistol and aims it toward Elizabeth, yet he cannot bring himself to pull the trigger and throws a fit.

" Let's go, love," Jack huffs as he begins walking down the sand.

" I'm fine right here, thank you very much," Diana states.

The Captain groans in frustration, wishing he could strangle both of them, but instead opts for a solo walk down the sandy island. Only for him to come racing back as soon as a ship appears.

Elizabeth is happily embraced by her father, even if she continues to shout about Will. Her love for him runs deep, and her strength comes from it. She refuses to back down, even if it means accepting the Commodore's proposal, an act that nearly makes Diana's eyes bulge from her head.

" Mr. Sparrow, you will accompany these fine men to the helm and provide us with a bearing to Isla de Muerta. Then contemplate all possible meanings of the phrase, silent as the grave. Do I make myself clear?" Norrington asks.

" Inescapably clear," Jack affirms.

The pirate is then propelled to the helm on the upper deck, in which Diana instinctively follows.

" Where on earth do you think you're going?" Norrington sneers as he steps in her way.

" To the helm," Diana answers plainly and simply.

" Oh, I don't think so," He scoffs.

Diana rolls her eyes once more and hastily accepts her fate. She joins Elizabeth in the governor's quarters and grabs a brush to run through the young girl's hair.

" I cannot believe you agreed to marry that bufoon," Diana utters.

" I had to," Elizabeth refutes, " For Will."

" We can get the boy without you marrying such an ass."

" He's not an ass."

And all it takes is one look from Diana through the mirror.

" Maybe a tad bit," Elizabeth says.

Diana's fingers move gently through Elizabeth's hair as she wields the brush with a surprising tenderness. Despite her usual snarky demeanor, there's a softness in her touch, a care that she reserves for only a few. As the bristles smooth through the strands, she can't help but exchange a knowing glance with Elizabeth through the reflection in the mirror.

Captain | Jack SparrowWhere stories live. Discover now