Chapter Three

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Chapter Three! Thanks for all your comments and suggestions, I love reading them so keep submitting them! So I have some exciting news! So I have been chosen to co-write this incredible fan-fiction called Celebrity Bachelor! I will be taking over (for the most part) starting with chapter 18! So make sure to check that out here: :D OK with that being said here is chapter 3-- enjoy! xx

Chapter Three:

I had to tell myself to keep breathing as I felt my heart racing faster and faster. I was breathing the same air as Harry Styles. There were so many emotions going through my head I thought I was going to explode...

I pointed him out to Emma and she didn't even seem to care. She was on her phone probably checking her facebook or e-mail.

"Let's go talk to him" I suggested. She immediately countered by rolling her eyes.

"Yeah and what are we going to say to him?" she asked me. "He's an international superstar and you think we can just go up and--"

I interrupted her by grabbing her by the wrist and dragging her over to the center of the dance floor, closer to Harry. We were within ten feet of him now. Before we could go any furthur, Emma jerked me back making me nearly tumble to the floor.

"You're just going to embarass yourself," she said. "C'mon this has been great can we please go now?"

I was not going to give up now. We were now so close to Harry that I could clearly see his dimples when he smiled. I couldn't help myself but to smile and blush a little bit.

"No, Emma, I 'm staying." I pleaded. "Look, there are some open seats at the bar now, let's go sit down and I'll find one of the boys later."

She nodded, and I unwillingly moved furthur away from Harry towards the bar. I turned around to take one last look at that giant head of curly hair before I---

Suddenly, I fell my face crash onto the cold tile floor. I felt something cold and wet on my shirt. Great. I looked up expecting to see Emma standing over me, but nope.

Louis Tomlinson was standing over me, offering his hand to help me up. I felt like I was taking the place of the main character from every teenage girls' fan fiction in the world right now. I took his hand as I felt the liquid dripping furthur down on my shirt when I stood up.

"You alright?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine thanks." I was surprisingly calm for someone who just met the person that they were obsessed with.

I saw the tray of beers in Louis' hand that hinted what might be stained on my shirt. I must have backed into him when I was turned around, looking at Harry.

"You know, I really don't suggest walking backwards," he said. "It's much easier to walk in one direction."

I laughed at his corny joke. I could tell he had at least two or three beers in his system at this point.

"I'm Louis, by the way." he said.

"Catherine," I said. "I know who you are. You can't exactly walk in London anymore without seeing your faces on a billboard or something." I smiled. trying to avoid the fact that I was just some crazy fangirl.

"Yeah," he said, winking. "I guess I shouldn't complain."

"So Who were you looking at?" he asked. Once I turned and looked at Harry, he immediately nodded. "I see, I can introduce you if you want."

"Really?" I asked, excitedly.

Emma walked back over from the bar. "Where were you?" 

"I fell."


"Like a minute ago."

"Oh, I didn't notice. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

I noticed Louis' head moving back and forth between me and Emma like he was watching a tennis match.

"Louis this is my best friend, Emma," I introduced her. "Emma, this is Louis, he's in One Direction."

"Hi," Emma said, shaking Louis' hand, unenthusiastically.

"C'mon, I'll go introduce you to Harry." he said, marching us over to where Harry stood. I felt my legs shaking and I thought I was going to fall again, but I caught myself.

"Harry, this is Catherine and Emma," Louis said. Harry greeted us with a smile, and shook both of our hands. I wasn't sure if his hands were sweaty, or it was just mine from my nervousness.

His dimples were so cute. His curls fell over his forehead, and his gorgeous green eyes stared directly into mine as we shook hands. He was perfect. He was holding a beer in his hand, but I could tell he was definitely not as drunk as Louis.

"Nice to meet you," he said. His soft sweet voice gave me goosebumps. "How do you like the party?"

"Good," I said. I should have come up with a better answer, but my nervousness got the best of me.

"I better go deliver these drinks," Louis announced. "You three enjoy yourselves. Nice to meet you guys."

He walked off and out of sight.

"So, are you guys from London?" asked Harry.

"Yeah," Emma answered. "We're roommates."

"We live a couple blocks away." I said.

Harry looked over at me, and his eyes immediately went to the enormous stain in the middle of my shirt.

"I should probably go clean this up," I told them. "I'll be right back."

I walked quickly to the bathroom before anybody else noticed the mess. My racing heart started to beat slower and slower until it returned to normal speed. Once I reached the empty bathroom, I began jumping around for joy. I JUST MET HARRY STYLES!

Using paper towels and water to try to cover up the stain didn't work too well, but it was an improvement. I realized some of my makeup had been washed away from my sweat, so I pulled my mascara from my purse and threw some on.

Once I was finished, I made my way back out to the main dancefloor. I glanced over to where Harry, Emma and I were standing and they weren't there. I checked the bar, and they weren't there either. What the heck? I figured Emma probably left without me, and I had no idea where Harry went. But I could not have been more wrong.

I almost gave up and left before I saw them near the entrance of the club.

My best friend, Emma, who hated One Direction and everything that had to do with them. Who rolled her eyes whenever I talked about them. Who left the room when I turned on their music, and unfollowed my twitter for posting about One Direction. The Emma who didn't want to come here, and wanted to leave five minutes ago. Yeah, that Emma was the one who was making out with Harry Styles.

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