Chapter 1: Shouldn't play with fire, love...

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A/N: Sorry if this is kind of annoying at the very start of the story but I just needed to tell you that this was originally started on Quotev. I want to try another site and see how it goes ;). Please, if you have any suggestions, comments (hopefully in which are not rude or hateful), error corrections or encouraging statements, I'd appreciate it if you let it out freely, as long as they are not mean. I get quite nervous posting on sites so I'm hoping I won't get any hate comments and such. Also, you don't have to comment etc. I won't force you into it if you don't like the story. Please don't get turned away if the start is quite boring because I assure you that it will get better in time. I apologise for any errors and typos, I do what I can. I hope you enjoy this story just as much as I enjoy writing it and I have to thank those who support me in these situations.

Thank you to anybody who read that, I know it isn't very enjoyable. Whoever read it, I apologise for the inconvenience, I know a lot of people will skip it. Now, I will be as kind as to finally let you read and be quiet for the rest of the chapter ;) Enjoy!


I stepped on the chubby pirate's chest, lifting my fist up with a roar to the cheering crowd. They all roared with me and I grinned, wiping the blood leaking down my lip. This one had managed to give me a scratch... Too bad, he was terrible. I beat him up in a mere 15 seconds! He was the fifth contestant to stand up against me. I was in the bar at Tortuga, cheerfully flashing my cutlass and slamming down anyone who got in my way.
All the drunks and fellow scallywags were watching in amazement and cheering so loudly I thought my ears might explode.
I placed a hand on my hip with a smug chuckle and roared while putting my hand up in disbelief, "Come on! Is there even one of you who can give me the slightest bit of entertainment?"
The room suddenly went quiet as everyone glanced around, searching for the next terrible fighter who wanted to cut me down. I gave them all a disappointed glance. I chuckled and grinned my biggest grin, flashing my unusually white teeth (for a pirate).
"Well..." I started while searching for more scumbags who thought they could beat me, "This means that victory is..."
Everyone grew silent and I trailed off as we all watched a strange man step from the crowd, holding a bottle of rum in one jewel-covered hand.
He swayed as if he were drunk, which he probably was, and gave me a wink before taking the biggest swig of rum I had ever seen. He drank more than half the bottle it one gulp! This particular man was quite tan with slightly dirty skin and a scab on the right side of his jaw. He had dark chocolate eyes which glimmered with determination and awfully messed up dreadlocks. His beard was braided and decorated with a beads and accessories, a dark tripod hat sat on his head and he wore extremely nice boots which clicked and clacked every time he took a step.
Where did he find them? Might want some for myself.
I put a hand on my hip as the strange man took another swig of his beloved rum, finishing it in a second gulp. He must have noticed me giving him an amused though pointed stare because he grinned and swayed his body around to face my direction.
"And you are?" I questioned with a smug look in my eyes. This man was handsome, very handsome *cough*, but he didn't look the part to beat someone like me.
He gave me a smirk.
"It seems to me, love, that you don't really care about who I am. You just want a fair fight, savvy?" He sent me one of his famous winks and I scoffed.
He sure looked drunk but his head was as conscious as any man who hadn't drank a single drop of rum in his life.
"Most intelligent one I've seen yet. Well, then, Mr. Pirate, I have made a decision. I'll let you fight me and I'll still give you credit when I win." I grinned while sticking my hand out for him to shake.
The strange pirate didn't even glance at my hand and he stepped forward.
"No, I think you've got it all wrong, mate. I'll fight you even if you don't let me and I'll give you some credit when you watch me win." He smirked at me and was about to take another swig of rum when he realised it was all gone.
"Of course, I get most of the credit... I think I'll give you about five percent." He added while staring into the empty bottle of rum.
I grinned. This was my moment. I immediately reached for the strange man's sleeve knowing he wouldn't notice until I reached him. I pulled his sleeve up, ignoring his pointed glare and stared in wonder at the tattoo of a sparrow in flight before a horizon. This made my grin even wider.
"So... Jack Sparrow?" I questioned with a chuckle. It was more of a statement, actually.
I saw him form a sarcastic smile and pull away before clearing his throat.
"Captain, I'd prefer you call me. Captain Jack Sparrow..." He pointed out.
I almost burst out laughing. This pathetic git was Jack Sparrow? The man who survived on an island with no food, fresh water or weapons for 3 days? The man who countlessly escaped the Eastern Indian Trading Company and the King's Navy? No way.
"Captain, eh? Where's your crew?" I asked in curiosity.
Jack cleared his throat once more and opened his mouth to say something with his finger up, as if he had come up with an idea.,He swayed for a moment before replying, "Well, many people have come to realise that a captain isn't in need of a crew when he has... Rum..."
I raised an eyebrow. "And your ship?"
Jack waited to think for a moment. He swayed on one foot and then the other while clearing his throat one more time.
"In the hands of a jolly scallywag!" He cheered.
I stared at him with both eyes brows raised this time.
Hm... I'd heard about this. The one who stole his ship... The Black Pearl... I couldn't remember his name. Started with a B... Barbossa, yes!
I shrugged and stood in a perfect fighting stance while pulling out my silver sword.
"Well, Captain, I believe it is time to begin our noble battle, don't you?"
Jack gave another sarcastic smile and also got into a fighting stance, holding up his sword high, copying my gesture.
"I believe it is." He smirked and the two of us immediately began our battle.
I dodged the slash that Jack threw at me and lunged for him but he blocked me as easily as a person would swat a fly. I grunted in annoyance and backed away with a grin.
"I guess you aren't as bad as I thought." I complimented.
Jack grinned and replied smugly, " 'Course I'm not, love."
A loud bang of metal clashed as everyone in the room watched with tensed up shoulders. We were as good as each other.
I backflipped onto a barrel of rum as Jack swayed at me, his sword getting stuck in the rum barrel instead of me. He gulped and looked up at me as rum stared pouring from the large slash he had made. I grinned in victory and lunged for him when he started pathetically trying to pull out his sword. He made a strange expression as I came for him and let go of his sword while dodging with his hands up in a posh-like way. I grunted annoyance and lunged for him again but he dodged once more. I stared for a few seconds in confusion as he spotted a cup and picked it up with a grin. I held my sword up as a shield, thinking he was going to throw the cup at me but instead he did something that made me scrunch my nose and roll my eyes.
Jack slipped off the counter he was standing on and held the cup to the rum still leaking out of the barrel. Once the cup was filled, he began to gulp it down with a satisfied sigh. This guy was some piece of work.
Jack smashed the cup on the counter once more with a smirk and pulled his sword out of the barrel with success this time. I yelped and tensed up my hands as they used my sword as a shield. Jack slammed his sword onto mine and we both started to pant heavily. He grunted and I slid my foot under his, causing him to fall. He slammed onto the ground and immediately slid his foot under mine to trip me. We both lay on the floor for a few seconds. I glanced at Jack, he glanced at me. We both grinned mischievously
"Shouldn't play with fire, love." Jack smirked at me.
I grinned.
"Well, unfortunately, I happen to enjoy a challenge. A mere fire won't scare me away."
With that we both stood up and jumped onto the counter once more.
I laughed at Jack who had grabbed another rum bottle and started to take a long swig. This was my chance. He was off his guard. I lunged at him and slashed my sword. Then the strangest thing happened. Jack had used his now empty rum bottle to block my attack. I gave him an exasperated look. Strange man he was.
He grinned at me, seeing that I was off my guard and pushed my sword away. I slipped however managed to backflip and land on the wooden floor boards without any injury. I sighed in relief but it all washed away when Jack laughed and used the hilt of his sword to push me down. I landed on my back with a groan and I looked up. Jack stood above me with a smirk. His sword was pointed at my neck and I looked around at the speechless room in shame.
"I warned you, mate. Playing with fire can get you burned. There are only three things that you should really be focusing on at the moment. One: Never underestimate your opponents. Two: Rum is fuel as well as lovely creation many men fantasise about." He slightly swung his hand around in that part, "And three: I'm Cap'n Jack Sparrow!"
I looked at Jack for a moment before turning away and grabbing my sword. I stood up shamefully and looked at Jack with a sigh and a disappointed grin.
"Well... Suppose you win..." I sighed again and turned away, "You get 95% credit..."
Just as I took my first step in attempt to walk away, I heard Jack say, "Uh, uh, uh... I need me money back before I take my leave."
I turned around slowly. So he noticed. I guess he wasn't so oblivious after all.
I smirked and made my way over to him. I didn't see the point in trying to hide it anymore. He already knew. I took the large bag of heavy golden coins and handed it to Jack who still didn't seem satisfied.
He held out his hand and looked at me with a dangerous look in his eye.
I sighed and pulled out the three more bags of money and golden rings, handing them to him glumly. He grinned in satisfaction and suddenly started leaning over to me. I looked into his dark chocolate orbs as they twinkled with mischief. Never in my life had I found it so difficult to pick-pocket someone.
"I feel it seems to be the appropriate time in adding something else to your focus list. Four: Never steal from Captain Jack Sparrow."

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